I’d like your thoughts on making this blog everything it should be.
My arrangement with Backwoods Home is that I will blog once a week. On average. If I’m busy or don’t have anything to say, I can go weeks without a post and Dave Duffy won’t kick me off his website.
But you might have noticed I blog a leeeeetle more often than that. π Partly, the frequent posts are to suck you all in to this blog as a daily routine. (BWAHHHAHHHAHH! she chortles evilly). But seriously, I know it can be disappointing to visit blogs that are rarely updated.
So part one of my question to you is: How often should I post?
But that’s completely tied in with part II: What kind of content serves you best?
The title of the blog, “Living Freedom,” implies posting useful information and encouragement about how we can each live more free. But coming up with stuff like that is hard work. Can’t do it every day.
Far easier just to watch for weird, entertaining, or outrageous newsbits, toss in some snark, and post links. That’s easy to do every day or at least several times a week. (And I admit that I enjoy blogs that have lots of newslinks and lots of quick snark.)
So … fewer posts with deeper content? Or lots of posts, but more newsy?
What’s your preference?
Comment away …
As often as you like I would say. We check almost every day anyhow…
“Do What Thou Wilt shall be the whole of the Law” — Aleister Crowley.
If it comes from you, it will be worth reading.
i check every day , i really enjoyed the vacation blog
Personally, I like the more frequent posts. I have found myself looking daily for new Claire-isms. I had gone on an exhausting search about a year ago looking for anything new you had written or been posting. It was as if you were locked away in some Guantanomo Bay basement dungeon unable to spread the good word to Freedom Outlaws of the world. I was really happy to run across your new blog. It was none too soon. Heck, my Freedom Outlaw Handbook covers are worn off from frequent reading.
I am not usually a fan of blogs, tweeters, FaceBookers and the lot. I think anyone who checks Twitter frequently to see if ‘Ashton is having a good hair day’, should the removed from the gene pool. Seeing that you have a blog is different!
I look forward to reading your daily musings and hopefully getting world that the day if finally here when its time to shoot the bastards π
I would have to agree with Roger and Jeffrey. I’ll stop by everyday just to see what may be tickling, or ticking off, your fancy.
Thank you for your work.
i check daily and enjoy the snarkiness … keep it rolling!
Fewer posts with deeper content (maybe twice a week with a Monday update of news) is my preference — and positive content *if available.*
That Iraqi video really got to me — the sheer immorality of it! I can’t take but just so much, then I have to back off for awhile. What has this country come to?
(BTW, one more link — an excellent analysis of that video situation:
http://www.lewrockwell.com/kwiatkowski/kwiatkowski248.html )
More depth, but it is your blog, so do what you like π
Since there is an RSS feed, I read when you update.
Glad to see you blogging again.
Claire, If you blog every day — your readers will be there every day.
I personally want you to write more about civil disobedience, the depredations of the government, defending our civil liberties, gun rights, the corruption at all levels of government especially DC (the District of Criminals), etc. Perhaps something like: The Government and How to Avoid It.
Thanks for asking. Be well.
I love your writings no matter which *hat* you are wearing.
I would love to see an updated version of the old “The Guerrilla Politics Manual” – that Charles had a hand in writing all those years ago.
I have my copy but it is SO outdated and I would love to see a new one or something similar – perhaps in installments or whatever.
We are living in interesting times for sure – some of us will survive and others won’t. Those who prepare will be better able to withstand what is in the works. We can all learn from each other and sometimes it is one little GEM of information that makes all the difference in survival.
You years of GOOD writing is what makes folks follow what you say – keep it up.
Arnold of the Poon Tang Gang of long ago.
I love the fact you are here daily (or nearly so) that way I get my daily fix. I also know how hard and waring it is to do this daily so I’m in the same boat as Pat – say T/TH indepth – Mon or Fri update of new and tidbits.
As surrounded by bad news, a failing government etc etc etc – I really prize the bright light of good news, good things done, personal and group success’s. As hard as that stuff is to find, please make a point to keep that in the blog.
I like YK’s idea of “How to avoid the government”
Live well
I use RSS to get updates on your blog so frequency doesn’t matter.
Some other blog styles I enjoy include “Friday funnies” (post something that tickles your funny bone on Fridays). A Monday recap of last weeks news events. A regular (Wednesday?) post about the subject at hand.
Your choice though. I’ve enjoyed reading your posts here, at TMM, and reading your books.
I visit on a weekly basis (and sometimes I miss a week) so there’s always something new when I show up. As a professional writer, I understand the difficulty of creating daily content that’s insightful and thought-provoking. More to the point, this is a blog that we visit for free, not a book or magazine that we’re paying to read. Can we really complain that free content is not living up to our expectations?
I’m saying the frequency is up to you. For each person that might be disappointed about the “newsy” content, another will enjoy clicking through the links you provide.
Personally, I like the insightful articles. But hey, if that content only shows up twice a month, that’s still two more than I’d find without visiting this site!
The more often the better IMO, you have already gotten me in here as a daily stop. Deep is good but I can also go through my share of fluff and funny links so some of both is fine with me.
This is probably ignorant, but one thing I love about your blog is that you don’t focus too much on economics. Too many libertarian and survivalist blogs just go on and on and on about economics. I hate it. I really, really, positively hate economics and finance and reading about it makes me want to destroy some banker just for being a part of the system that makes me have to hear about the friggin system of credit every time I turn around.
I like money. I like spending it. Other than that I want nothing do with finance of any kind, ever…
I like all the stuff you’ve posted thus far. If I had to pick one thing I’d like to see more of it would be ACTION. Getting out and doing things instead of sitting inside making snarky blog comments like I’m doing now.
I look at your RSS feed (via Firefox live bookmarks) so I also read when you update.
One comment on posts with links: it’d be nicer if they wouldn’t open a new window or tab, but perhaps that something outside your control.
I love the frequent blogs and have begun to hit most of the links you provide. I was so ticked off when I saw the CNN take on the “tea party” with Sarah Palin and then the actual photos you presented with your link. Now I’m looking for more of those kinds of examples to prove what is really going on in this world we live in. Go for it…..
I am subscribed, so there is no disappointed checking and discovering no new blog.
So, blog as frequently (or not) as you feel like, focusing on things that get your juices flowing. It’s always better to write a blog that is important to YOU than to just crank one out because you think people depend on you. We DO, but…. well, you know what I’m saying.
I like what Pat suggested, a couple of deep posts per week and one newsy/snarky one.
I, too, would rather read positive, useful information. I would say that I spend 5-6 hours a month total reading what-tyrannical-nonsense-are-they-up-to-now type websites/posts. The rest of the time I’m looking for information: how-to and practical stuff and just-because-it’s-interesting type stuff.
I’m guessing your blog is aimed mostly at people who are well aware of the government’s true intent. I say spend more time on the practical aspects of freedom. (But don’t forego the snarkiness altogether! It’s fun to read.)
How about both?
I like the frequent updates with interesting items that have caught your attention. I also like periodic content that goes more in depth.
The combination of both approaches gives us a more complete view into your philosophy of life and freedom, and that is certainly why I come by to visit.
I mainly just like to hear how you’re doing. I also prefer your more off-the-cuff reactions to the more essay-ish entries. I like those too, though. Mix it up, says I. If you need to take a few days off to polish a piece that you’ve really dug into, cool. If you want to tell us about a killer flick you just ran across (or a horrible one to avoid), also cool.
Hey Claire. I think you’re doing just fine! π
I too, enjoy the convenience of using an RSS aggregator, so I just stop by when I see something new has come up.
As TMBG says, “Be like yourself; be what you’re like.” I think that’s pretty much what people are reading you for — doesn’t matter so much what the topic is. Sure, there are blogginheads who say that in order to have a successful blog, the recipe is to pick a topic and _own_ it, and post something everyday. Well, if that’s your thing, hey go for it. I don’t agree with that, but then I suppose it depends on your definition of “successful”.
Hi. I’m Karen and I’m a Claire-oholic. I like whatever you write. I’d sit here reading and thinking and digesting all day if the posts kept coming. I would however really really hate for you to burn out as we’ve all seen happen to numerous freedomistas. I like that you encourage us, your readers, to think. I’ve gotten so tired on various forums of political flamewars and passive aggressive types telling me what I should think and what I must do or else I’m a useless drag on humanity. Your skill as a writer is evidenced in the thoughtful and educated comments you elicit and I’ll be happy with whatever level of posting feeds your soul.
How about one in depth with two or more (preferably more!) light posts during the week.
It is obvious that you are no slacker when it comes to posting. When you have something worthy to say you will say it, or if you want to simply post some other information important to you, you will. It’s hard to believe you have to try hard. I enjoy reading your stuff.
I’m a newbie….and I see a lot of people here who have followed you for years, and are way ahead of people like me….I read here daily, and I think that you will find the current “climate of chaos” will be bringing in more people like me: others out there looking for someone who makes sense, maybe has knowledge & ideas we haven’t discovered yet……
I imagine it’s hard to blog every day, regardless of how light or deep the subject happens to be….and how often should entirely be your decision…..
I just wanted to let you know that there’s a bunch of us coming out of the woodwork, people who are fed up watching what’s been happening to the USA, wondering what to do about it “on our own”, wondering if there are others out there who are digging in their heels, too….That’s not to say, or assume, that that is all “you are made of”, because even your other topics still reveal a strong, smart, determined individual even if it’s a “silly” subject and you weren’t even intending to sound (read) that way…..
A day you don’t blog, is a day to catch up on the archives…..
I stop by every day. My preference on posting frequency is to follow your muse, always.
More Claire-ity!
“posting useful information and encouragement about how we can each live more free.”
I’d like to see you put 100% of your effort into this.
How often? As often as you are willing/able.
Well, looks like you haven’t really gotten much advice here… What comes of having fans who like whatever you do. Like Bill St. Clair, I stop by most every day (and check his blog fairly often too).
My suggestion: Do it how you like, but make sure it never turns into a chore that you feel you have to get free of — as some of your previous efforts along these lines seem to have done. So long as you enjoy what you’re doing, I expect we all will too. (Sorry I can’t be more help.)
Btw, when I went looking for a link to your 1999 Linux article on my computer, I discovered I had actually archived all 48 of your WND columns. I’ll probably read ’em all again one o’ these days.
Yes, in some ways, this comment thread has been mind boggling. Yet you all have given excellent advice. Even when people’s comments & preferences have been all over the place (no surprise π ), I’ve discovered I learn a lot just from my interior responses as I read what everybody has written.
I’ve already come away from this discussion with about 15 ideas for new (and I hope, substantial) blog posts or BHM articles — some directly from your suggestions, and others that flew through my brain as I read and thought about what people said.
Strongest advices/inclinations: Follow my muse; don’t burn out (yeah, I do have that habit); aim for a mix of substantial and newsy; aim for three posts a week & do more only if my heart’s in it.
Oh yeah, and avoid economic arcana (thanks, Winston). But I am going to write about money, debt-freedom & that sort of thing. Always the personal, let others handle the theoretical.
There are some barriers to writing serious freedom how-to — some obvious, some not so. But however often or seldom I post, that really should be the strongest thread that runs through everything on this blog.
I also really, really appreciate the support and kind words. Y’all made me think. But thanks to your thoughtfulness, thinking didn’t hurt my brain as much as it usually does.
In depth postings would be great, I check in near daily.
You’ve probably seen this, but just in case… it deserves to be widely disseminated. I’ve seen it a couple places in the last couple years, on a whim just did a search and found a nice, large (original?) version. Definitely worth a thousand words… (I wonder how it was done… I mean, did they really…?)
Oops, I enclosed the url in angle brackets, so it was read as html, and doesn’t show up. Here it is again:
You’re welcome to delete these two posts if you wish; just wanted to get this link to you.
Thanks, Philalethes. If you don’t mind, I’ll keep your comments. Then we’ll have two links to that strange & telling picture (because of course it’s going into tomorrow’s “Monday miscellany,” too. Thanks again. π
Claire, you’ve stated it best above. I love reading about your journeys on life’s path, doggie adventures and anything with your unique wit streaking through it. But let it be life fulfilling, rather than a drag.
That being said, I’ve found in my own experience sometimes something that appears to be a drag on the surface , but tickles your soul repeatedly, can be the most worthwhile detour when you finally decide to see what’s up on that road.
I like content but it is being done on other blogs. The Bovard link to you for example which comes from FFF. I also like Will Grigg. So the snark bits/hits seem to make sense. Though I’m guessing that if the mood hits a longer piece on occasion is well within the possibilities.
And would be welcome.
God Bless
If you take romance advice from the single woman you may take money advice from the broke guy next door.