- Former Seattle police chief knows from experience: cops are blowing it in their handling of OWS. (Tip o’ hat to C^2.)
- Family reluctantly surrenders its beloved island. I give you one guess as to why. I know you can tell me without even clicking on the link.
- My dogs could do this.
- I’m two weeks late learning this. So sad. Diaspora* is a great and hopeful creation.
- Now here’s a perfect example of how one man’s safe-haven is another person’s nightmare. Joel Skousen has named Tennessee as the best retreat location for people living east of the Mississippi. That’s this Tennessee. And this Tennessee. No thanks. Interesting article by Skousen, though.
- The very definition of chutzpah.
- The very definition of integrity. Not to mention panache.
- How Jon Corzine’s liberal politics led to the MF Global downfall.
- Ferfal’s heartfelt cry from Argentina. (Tip o’ hat to A.) But why do these things always end with a plea to vote for the right people? Sigh.
- “The degree to which you resist is the degree to which you are free.” Take Ferfal’s stand and Utah Phillips’ then go 90 degrees upward and you’re headed where freedom lies.
- Finally, I think Wendy McElroy linked to this cartoon a couple of weeks ago, but it’s been on my mind ever since. It just gets truer by the minute …
Well, the Vail family should have gotten a land grant from Charles I, like the Gardiner family did. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gardiner%27s_Island
Such a plethora today.
It is to bad that it took Chief Stamper so long to acknowledge his failure, but nice to hear that he is repentant and willing to admit it. One of the reasons the police forces in the various “Occupy” locations can act the way they do is becaus the movement seems to be committed to non-violence (with exceptions). It is easy for police to wade into crowds of people with pepper spray and batons swinging when they know they will not face organized resistance or a return of the same level of violence.
Ferfal is an optimist.
There was a small Occupy demonstration here-completely peaceful as far as I can tell. The cops left them alone. No trouble at all,apparently.
I don’t know if you could get cats to do a Conga line, but my cat can get into the fridge and get what he wants,and I have seen a cat trained to use the toilet-and flush it. There was a kit just for that purpose called Kitti Potti some years ago. Most animals are smarter than they’re given credit for.
Samuel Adams — What a cool bit of history!
I always wanted to own an island …
In understanding how F#*$ed we are check out who the Obama adminstration picked to solve the awful problems of our economy. It’s too much to grasp, you may have to watch it a bit at a time.
“Most animals are smarter than they’re given credit for.”
Well, of course. Have you ever seen animals pay an income tax? Form a central bank? ‘Nuff said.
“I always wanted to own an island …”
Same here!
Re Tennessee: In a survival situation, I doubt that either the constables or the TSA types would be a significant part of the problem. In the meantime, who’s to say that northwestern states won’t be the next locale for abuse?
Desertrat. Of course you’re right — in one sense. In another … not so sure. Maybe those two specific things wouldn’t be problems. But a culture that allows and encourages abuses like the constables and the VIPR teams to become business as usual is sure to generate other thug-related problems.
OTOH, people living in the northwest within spitting distance of the U.S./Canadian border would tell you they already live in a locale of abuse — which they do.
I know. There’s no place that’s “pure.” It’s just a matter of choosing which poison you think you can best survive.
Here’s a doggone it article.
Aren’t dogs that end up going across the country supposed to go toward their owners?