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Some happy news for a change

No, not happy news like about crippled orphans being rescued by blind puppies (though that’s good, too). Not glurge.

But in the biblical flood of bad news, good news does occasionally bob to the surface and I’ve been saving up bits of it to brighten your day. So here goes:


  1. Scott
    Scott January 19, 2012 10:10 am

    A pirate botanist-there’s something Monty Python about that..

  2. EN
    EN January 19, 2012 10:23 pm

    Loved that Glock story. Thanks. Kinda pissed me off that they say he was lucky. He produces the most reliable pistol in the world and remarkably people came to him. Brass balls are and success are never a matter of luck.

    As for the secret to a prosperous economy, it philosophically goes against the grain of the Newt Obamney. Their egos are all that matter, not our genius.

  3. Another Anonymous
    Another Anonymous January 21, 2012 12:30 pm

    Oh come on, if you’d transposed two words you could have had the beginning of a great lymeric and an excuse to use the word “phlebotomist”.

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