That may be the nicest thing anyone’s ever said about me. Thank you, Neil. 🙂 I may adopt that as a tagline — although I think Kent McManigal has first dibs on the “hooligan libertarian” phrase. Be that as it may, the actual topic at that first link is Sandy Sandfort’s effort to find team members to build a smartphone app for people who care about gun rights. And although commentors have made some good suggestions, nobody has stepped up yet to volunteer for the development team. C’mon, I know there’s plenty of techie talent out there in the pro-gun…
10 CommentsMonth: January 2012
Not that I think jail is a sensible solution for anything here. But imagine if every government VIP whose projects went wrong were treated like this. “Does America Now Qualify as a Police State?” Well now, there’s a no-brainer … But inventiveness never ceases to amaze. Bush war crimes under investigation. Not in the U.S., of course. Even “Raging Grannies” are against SOPA now. Its House and Senate (PIPA) sponsors have blinked. Not good enough, still. But progress. Hey, what about the poor dog’s privacy? (Tip o’ hat to JB.) Ron Paul money bomb for South Carolina still going strong.…
2 Comments…going on today. Just learned this via Dave Duffy’s blog. This money bomb is specifically to give Paul a boost in South Carolina, where he’s not likely to make New Hampshire-like or Iowa-like v*te totals.
1 CommentToday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Central Time, Oathkeepers founder Stewart Rhodes and friends will be giving a LiveStreaming presentation on the modern Intolerable Acts. That’s the NDAA, the proposed Enemy Expatriation Act, and related monstrosities like the USA-UNPatriot Act. Though no force on the planet could get me to sit still to watch four hours of streaming video, and my cynical and anarchistic old heart doesn’t believe in the constitutional governance these folks hope to restore, I think this will be interesting. Most of all, I like (in a terribly sad way, of course) the meme that these…
12 Comments… don’t worry. I’m just mucking around, changing operating systems again. My old laptop (running Linux Mint 11) headed toward slow death a month or two ago. I eBayed myself a newer ThinkPad and upgraded (or so I thought) to Mint 12. I’ve been loving Linux Mint since version 8 or so, and I guess I’m not alone in that since it’s risen from nowhere to become one of the top Linuxes, if not the top Linux, for real people. Love its media friendliness! But 11 had problems. Not the Mint team’s fault, but there were some new Ubuntu features…
23 CommentsJake. He’s back. 🙂 For your weekend (or your quit-work-early-on-Friday) reading pleasure … Chapter 51 Chapter 52
Leave a CommentHappy Friday the Thirteenth! Here’s one brief example of what SOPA could (and eventually would) do to ordinary Internet users. I think I’d like this poor old fella. For you analytical types: Here’s a survival planning guide that’s based on understanding different types of emergencies. (Tip o’ hat to D.) Claire: a foster Great Dane, then and now.* Some pix are hard to look at, but they get better. (Tip o’ hat to SR.) Today’s hot rumor: Jake MacGregor (The Advisor) may return soon after a too-long hiatus for family and health problems. Hope to have word shortly. —– *…
3 Comments… and a call for people to work on it. The other day, I blogged about a smartphone app for boycotting firms that support SOPA and noted (I wasn’t the only one) that it could potentially be a powerful tool for boycotts of all kinds. Well, who feels more strongly than gun owners about avoiding businesses who’d take away their fundamental rights? And who deserves more support than businesses that support our right to self defense? An online acquaintance, Sandy Sandfort, has decided he wants to do something about that. He’s looking for people with the skills and interests to…
8 CommentsWhat happens when a corporation gets just a bit too uppity in its definition of IP. I suppose as times get harder, we can expect more of this sort of thing. Shudder. But if it can be made harder on the forces of tyranny … (Some notes on guerrilla warfare) “Complex Systems, Dysfunctional Industries, and Catastrophic Collapse.” Preparedness. Basic. Fascinating. They haven’t found the suspect, two decades later. But they’ve found his seventeenth century ancestor. Yeah. Right. According to this I’m supposed to go to either Switzerland … or the U.S. How about you? Good going. Excellent calm way to…