For your edification entertainment and h-wording pleasure, here’s a post all about dogs and funny stuff.
- Pit bull adopts lion cub.
- Marines’ top dog, Chesty, gets a promotion after dissing Panetta’s pooch. (This one’s for a young friend of the blog who’s currently at Twenty-Nine Palms getting his butt shot off via CAX)
- Boy wants to give his dying service dog a taste of the world.
- Well (farggle) that! (H/T PT)
- “Four-legged reason to keep it together.” (Tip o’ hat to Jim Bovard.)
- Barkour! (H/T Jim B.)
Finally, you heard this week about the octagenarian woman who, with the best of intentions, set about to “restore” a damaged Spanish fresco. If you didn’t, have a look. Then have a look …
Which could lead to all sorts of other ideas for “improving” artworks:
Which leads to something only a mother could love …
And of course we mustn’t forget this …
I know you’re “restoring” a house already, but how would you like to restore this “Grapes of Wrath” rolling house. Seems like the present Tumbleweed-styles houses aren’t a new thing.
On another note and to have an on topic comment for this article I have to say this. “What? No comment about the Ukraine Barkour dog I posted in the previous comments sections?” This is a dog that can walk on walls, how can you not like that?
I’m sorry, Jim! Of course I loved that dog — and meant to put that video in this bunch. Just plain forgot! Will go add that now.
And as to the Grapes of Wrath house …. um … I’ll let somebody else tackle that one. 🙂
Thanks for the puppy-upper! I love doggie days. The farggle link reminded me of George Carlin’s routine about The Most Functional Word in the English Language. How did the butterfly netting project go?
Feral kitties are harder to catch than either butterflies or fish, I’m thinkin’. Cat-trapper-in-Chief, C, did get one with a fishing net. And I do wish I’d thought to bring my new video camera! But the other one we were trying to snag was just too wary. We ended up leaving a mix of salmon and dog food with the homeowner who has the cats on her property and an hour later, she caught the little critter by hand, at great cost to her fingers. We’d already taken in two of the babies (our of a litter of four) & they’re now all getting vet treatment and being socialized in a foster home.
Out of a colony of 15 cats, we’ve captured and fostered four, captured, spay/neutered and released seven, and will try for the last four this week.
I do believe that my first effort at cat trapping will also be my last …
(George Carlin … Never much appreciated him when he was alive, but he seems to get smarter and funnier with time.)
I can’t be left out, so… My New Look
Oh, Kent. It’s soooo YOU!
No matter how many times I see something about the “improved” artwork story, the audacity of the woman still astounds me….
I’ve found this in the comments section of a webcomic I frequent. It was done in memory of Neil Armstrong who just passed away. May his footprints always be on the Moon and in our hearts.