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Escape from Terra

Congratulations to friend and occasional Living Freedom visitor Sandy Sandfort. Also to long-time freedomista Scott Bieser and illustrator Lee Oaks.

Their graphic novel, Escape from Terra: Volume 1 has been named Freedom Book of the Month by the Freedom Book Club.

July’s winner, High Desert Barbecue, was also by a friend of this blog, J.D. Tuccille.

Both are fun, freedom-oriented novels.

August’s winner was also by a familiar and friendly name, L. Neil Smith. I confess I haven’t yet read Down With Power: Libertarian Policy in a Time of Crisis. Guess I’d better get cracking on that!

It’s either an amazing coincidence that friends and acquaintances won the last three awards — or a sign of how small the freedomista world is.

I don’t yet see Wendy McElroy’s The Art of Being Free among the nominees (maybe because it’s scarce on Amazon or maybe just so new). But I’m reading and enjoying that book right now.


  1. Bear
    Bear September 19, 2012 1:22 pm

    “It’s either an amazing coincidence that friends and acquaintances won the last three awards β€” or a sign of how small the freedomista world is.”


    Very small.

    Getting smaller.

  2. Samuel Adams
    Samuel Adams September 19, 2012 2:42 pm

    “… that friends and acquaintances won the last three awards… ” may simply indicate that Claire hangs out in the right circles, something I’ve known for years.

    I was recently in a room with some 7,000 to 11,000 enthusiastic people who did not go to sleep when speakers discussed Austrian economic, who knew what the NDAA is and knew to oppose it, who cheered calls to end the Fed, etc., etc.

    I respectfully disagree, Bear. The freedomista movement is big and getting bigger. And it is not going away.

  3. Bear
    Bear September 19, 2012 5:27 pm

    I suggest that there is a minor difference between being a freedomista and occasionally allying on single issues. If opposing SOPA/PIPA makes one a freedomista, then that cop-sucking police state cheerleader Sen. Kelly Ayotte (who made her political bones as NH AG explaining away why those cops shot/beat/framed/hospitalized/etc all those unarmed people) is a freedomista.

    For eight years I ran the mailing list for a bunch of “freedomistas” (someone else hosted for 7-8 years before that; I got it when no one wanted to kick in the bucks to help him pay his ISP fees). I shut it down a month ago (because no one wanted to kick in…).

    Maybe 2% of the list members even noticed.

    Takes more than knowing what NDAA (or Austrian economics) is to be a freedomista.

  4. The Infamous Oregon Lawhobbit
    The Infamous Oregon Lawhobbit September 20, 2012 1:54 pm

    So what you’re saying, Claire, is that possibly freedomistas are rare … sort of like The Penguins Of Arizona? πŸ˜‰

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