You will be relieved to know that there was NO coverup of the Fast & Furious gunwalking operation.
… according to a Justice Department study commissioned by Eric Holder.
ADDED (with H/T to Bear who put this link into the comments): Here’s a more thoughtful look at the report from the unmatchable David Codrea.
Wow for a second I thought I was the only person to find the waste of money spent on a farcical investigation as Hilarious.
The sad part is the deaths weren’t funny at all, least so to the family members. Freaking bunch of criminals in office.
David Codrea’s early take:
He notes that even a cursory glance shows some serious factual errors, and points out that many of the supposedly “cleared” parties refused to talk to the IG. That’s without really getting into the _hundreds_ of pages.
They meant to say successfully covered up but that makes people think something wrong happend.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Custodes, of course. Long settled.
Reminds us all of why both parties (there’s that bi-partisanship thing again) agreed to let the special prosecutor/independent counsel law expire.
… and if you believe that, I also have a bridge I can sell you!
Eric Holder….. finds Eric Holder did nothing wrong