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I love this!

… despite the fact that it’s on F*c*b**k.

Uncle SamAsOutlawV-SMALL_fromToddH_011713

About a week ago, faithful Freedom Outlaw Ragnar took the initiative to concoct a Freedom Outlaw Facebook page. Now a friend of his (good going, Friend of Ragnar!) has created this image for it.

Ragnar’s site is likeable, funny, has a lot of activity, and is worth visiting despite its location. Now this image makes it even better.

Seems I’m not alone in this opinion. In less than a week, Ragnar’s page has drawn more than 500 “likes” and has nearly 800 people talking about it. [EDITED: Removed stuff that Ragnar says just shows my ignorance about Facebook] Shazam, Ragnar, how’d you do that?

Join in the fun if you haven’t already.


  1. EN
    EN January 17, 2013 12:33 pm

    I like it.

  2. naturegirl
    naturegirl January 17, 2013 1:53 pm

    As much as I love that, and the spirit behind it, and the fact a place to gather is always a good thing – nothing in the world would make me join *that FB thing*……

  3. Joel
    Joel January 17, 2013 2:08 pm

    Yeah, no facebook for me. But that poster is immediately going on my sidebar.

  4. Ragnar
    Ragnar January 17, 2013 2:46 pm

    “Ignorance” is a word you used not me for sure πŸ™‚

    And yep Claire and Joel, you may not ever join such an evil public place as F*c*book… but I bet a lot you guys’ blog posts will be linked/featured there on the Freedom Outlaw page.

    β™ͺ β™ͺ β™ͺ They may take my info, take my time, my but they’ll never take the sky from me…. β™ͺ β™ͺ β™ͺ

  5. MamaLiberty
    MamaLiberty January 17, 2013 3:11 pm

    Love the poster! I won’t visit FB again for any reason, but you are welcome to use any of the articles I write at PoL. πŸ™‚

  6. Ragnar
    Ragnar January 17, 2013 3:44 pm

    MamaLiberty, what’s the full name of your blog? not ringing a bell…

  7. Joel
    Joel January 17, 2013 3:51 pm

    Oh, you’re definitely linked on my blog, Ragnar.

  8. Benjamin
    Benjamin January 17, 2013 4:43 pm

    Nice one Ragnar. You wouldn’t happen to be the same blacksmith in New York who retails Scandinavian knives would you?

  9. Benjamin
    Benjamin January 17, 2013 4:44 pm

    Wish I could edit comments.. I meant the same Ragnar.

  10. Ragnar
    Ragnar January 18, 2013 8:19 am

    I wish I had blacksmith skills but not me Benjamin… I’m smack dab in the middle of fly over country.

    Thanks for the links -s Joel is definitely getting a share on that one. πŸ˜‰

  11. MamaLiberty
    MamaLiberty January 18, 2013 11:18 am

    Ragnar, I’m surprised you don’t remember! My site has been called “The Price of Liberty” for nearly 10 years now. πŸ™‚

    And I’ll email you an even better link… πŸ™‚

  12. Ragnar
    Ragnar January 18, 2013 11:44 am

    I remembered after going back there ML… I used to check in there but somehow lost the bookmark when changing computers I think. I’ll keep an eye on it for content for the page. Thanks!

  13. gooch
    gooch January 21, 2013 7:19 pm

    Let me join in on the Kudos Ragnar.

    Well Done.
    Tell your artist friend the “resistance” needs a good pr hack.

    stay safe,


  14. gooch
    gooch January 21, 2013 7:21 pm

    PS …
    I don’t “do” ANY of the social data mining versions.

    Yes I understand that they should be used to spread Freedom but I am not really a crowds and groups joiner.

    stay safe,


  15. Ragnar
    Ragnar January 22, 2013 1:23 pm

    Thanks gooch, and understood… I think I gave up my online anonymity back in the 2400 baud modem days, or at least when I opened my own BBS in the 14.4k days. Still trying to work with the system… I may never learn. πŸ˜‰

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