This is photoshopped. I repeat, this is PHOTOSHOPPED. But still … ain’t it grand?
I owe A.G. for the charming fantasy. And if you like that very striking Molon Labe graphic (by Big Fur Hat of I Own the World), you can get it on tee shirts and in other flavors around the ‘Net.
(NFI on my part. However, if you want me to have some FI, my Amazon links can take you to scads of molon labe clothing, molon labe decals, patches, bumper stickers, and books, and even a molon labe ejection port cover for your AR15. So go ahead. Give me a financial interest if you’re so inclined; Amazon sales have gone off a cliff since Christmas.)
Unconfirmed word is that the lovely troublemakers of Anonymous are staunchly pro-gun — as rebels and insurrectionists are usually smart enough to be. (H/T J.)
Very moving. From JPFO and an anonymous author (via O): Lessons to be learned from the massacre at Wounded Knee. Let’s not forget that the U.S. government hunted down and slaughtered nearly 300 men, women, and children in the name of “gun control” (among other equally repulsive causes). The 300 were members of an unregarded minority, so for nearly a century the story of the fedgov’s “heroism” was allowed to stand unchallenged.
The federal government has become more ruthless since then.
Never again.
Finally, a connection of John Noveske’s is hoping to dispel the Alex-Jonesy rumors that the government killed the gunmaker. Also he’d like to end the equally harmful rumors that Noveske left a million bucks behind so his family doesn’t need help. Noveske left pocket lint and a now-weakened business and his family does need help. Memorial fund here.
I know this person and believe the explanation he offered. Apparently there’s a lot that the family just would rather not discuss, but you can get a picture of how John Noveske lived and how he may have died by this pricelss video starring women of his office staff. This was not a guy who spent his life poking along in the slow lane.
And since the iframe video code is going to disappear again (it did; fixed now), here’s the direct YouTube link. You really need to see this — especially you guys.
> The sticker said “Molon Labe”…
> It is latin for “Come and take them”…
“Molon labe” (ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ) is Ancient Greek, not Latin.
🙂 But of course if that had been a real media report, they’d have gotten it wrong, right? So while you are absolutely correct thank you, it makes a certain poetic sense that the alleged “AP” report calls it Latin. Just as they call cartridges bullets and semi-auto weapons military assault rifles.
I confess I don’t remember ever having heard of Noveske before seeing that video a couple of days ago. Had to do a search to find out what that was even all about. It’s a rather…distracting…video…
Awesome photoshop, Claire.
As for Noveske, I wouldn’t at all be surprised if they’ve geared up for additional production capacity instead of the trip to SHOT. Great video. John Noveske’s loss leaves everyone a little worse off. His stuff is **excellent** quality, and his employees obviously dedicated. (“Get back to work!” – ROFL)
If we somehow don’t see restrictions and the backorder clears, I’ll be ordering from his company in the future. For an ugly rifle, his 18″ DMR/SPR rifles are awefully pretty lookin’.
The video is still not working right, there is a floating black mark on the video.
LOL! Oh, these pesky technical problems, David Hammond. And I’ll bet that floating black mark you’re seeing is interfering with the very best part of the video, right? What an irony that a glitch should work that way …
> But of course if that had been a real media report,
> they’d have gotten it wrong, right?
> …
> it makes a certain poetic sense that the alleged
> “AP” report calls it Latin.
I understand your point, but it’s pretty convoluted to believe that the author was satirizing the media; whether intentionally or not.
The more likely explanation is that whomever wrote the caption was simply ignorant.
We should be just as willing to call out our side on stupid mistakes like that as we are willing to call out the other side, rather than rationalize and sweep them under the rug.
Sometimes innacurrate can be entertaining … ( 1 minute long) …. but don’t let it influence your mind.
That video is a pretty good send off, he must of been much loved by friends and family.
Anonymnidas Says: “I understand your point, but it’s pretty convoluted to believe that the author was satirizing the media; whether intentionally or not.”
Umm… The photoshopped picture is satire, but the photoshopped caption specifically mentioning (notoriously anti-gun) AP couldn’t possibly be satirizing the medi…
I quit.
You wrote: “The more likely explanation is that whomever wrote the caption was simply ignorant.”
Actually not. Whoever created the graphic had a copy of the original art — which has the Greek lettering right on it. Somebody would have to be really ignorant to mistake Greek writing for Latin and I don’t think the person who did that photoshop job was a dummy.
Besides, though I don’t know who did the photoshopping and the caption, evidence points to it being Big Fur Hat, the same person who created the molon labe graphic. At least he or she posted the picture online, with caption, with no comment:
We may never know, of course. But if I were a bettin’ woman, I’d bet that the “mistake” in the caption is part of the joke.
If Anonymous really is pro-gun wouldn’t it be awesome if they hacked in and deleted all the info on guns/gun owners in the ATF’s and FBI’s systems?
Noveske was one hell of a man. I never met him but traveled around his orbit for three years now and he was LOVED by all for his brilliance, sense of humor and quirkiness. I’m waiting to hear the feds have filed a law suite against the companies obvious preference for a particular type of woman. From all accounts he did not apologize for his views and preferences (Gentleman, you do want a Noveske calendar, you REALLY DO), in fact you did not want to discuss some subjects with him as he did not back down by all accounts. And then there’s his guns. I do not care for ARs. However, his were something else again. I’ve often wondered why the morons in Army Purchasing couldn’t ever fix the damned M-4. Noveske knew what the problems were and fixed them ten years ago. His guns shoot MOA at 300 yard in a 14 inch barrel. Amazing performance and against everything I know (or thought I knew) to be true! His barrels are sought after by agencies all over the world. And they are dependable and rugged. A Noveske AR can fire 400 rds without a hitch (probably a lot more if you’ve the money for the test, which I do not) and are not finicky about dirt and cleaning. If he made a dime he’d pour it back into some project or other… which was good for us, but not so good for his family at present. He was one of those guys who lived full out. I’m close to twice his age but haven’t done half as much. And the blond in the video is Sheri, who’s been running the day to day ops for Noveske for a long time (john was busy with other stuff). I imagine the company will go on for quite some time. One hell of a tribute from his staff.
Noveske sold to the military and civilian enforcers, didn’t he?
Why would the government want to kill someone who was arming them?
“If Anonymous really is pro-gun wouldn’t it be awesome if they hacked in and deleted all the info on guns/gun owners in the ATF’s and FBI’s systems?”
oh… someone after my own heart!! LOL… I wouldn’t cry – unless on camera.
John had some government contracts for parts, and sold some to SOC for sure. But mainly he sold to individuals, mostly civilian and some military. What made all this talk of a conspiracy come up was he made no secret of how he felt about civilian ownership of guns. He was a 2nd Amendment “True Believer” and often said there could be no compromise on the issue.
Meanwhile, over at American University’s Women and Politics Institute, heads are exploding.
“Poll: Majority of Young People Considering Gun Ownership”
A LOT of young people are curious about guns and it used to be, the NRA supported shooting clubs/classes in HSchools and Community Colleges. Guess that would cause an uproar among the lemmings, now wouldn’t it??
If they were actually educated, learned to shoot and liked it.
The stock for Depends would probably go up considerably, for their parents, huh?
Young people have always had a quest for knowledge and, in spite of the sheeple and shmoos of the world, know where to find answers and can separate wheat from chaff to evaluate what they hear. The internet has given more options for finding answers, and more opportunity to part company from conventional wisdom, than any other form of media in history. And the internet is where they live. It’s not surprising they’ve shown interest in firearms – the uproar is deafening, the polarity is enticing. The gap that defines “don’t do as I do, do as I say” will impel them even stronger to think for themselves.
Kent McManigal Says: “If Anonymous really is pro-gun wouldn’t it be awesome if they hacked in and deleted all the info on guns/gun owners in the ATF’s and FBI’s systems?”
Or Obama’s teleprompter.
He who controls the
spteleprompter controls the universe!So …
Is Noveske Co. hiring?
There’s a great Jesse Duff vid making the rounds (excuse the pun) right now that really puts the whole “damage” thing in perspective.
My computer has the same “floating black mark” that David Hammond reported.
However being a professional sailor and one with many years of “lookout duty” under his belt I was able to discern that the young lady was actually attempting to smuggle two small [pea sized] rifle parts out of the office.
Topless as a work dress code would cut down on the smuggling of peas and other small items wouldn’t it?
The giveaway was her trying to get her office manager drunk while on duty. The oldest trick in the book.
Like Joel I had not heard of him before this. Probably because I don’t have the money to afford such nice toys er tools.
The man certainly knew how to surround himself with folks who had very active senses of humor it would seem.
Meanwhile … while I admire his choice of profession [rifle maker] I am not one of the AR fans. Even if they only cost the two to three hundred that I could afford I am still an AK/Dragunov/MN kinda sailor.
[Who also knows how to spot pea smugglers….] (wink)