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A pair of weekend reads (plus bonus)

These were a bit long to include in any links post, but both are good weekend reads. Just grab a cup of coffee …

“One woman’s dangerous war against the most hated man on the Internet.” (The woman has guts; unfortunately the law she inspired is typically stupidly written.)

“What to do if and when Obamacare collapses.” Jim Powell reminds us once again that Obamacare set out to do virtually the opposite of everything that actually needs to be done to restore sanity and affordability to medical care.


Back later with more, including Deep Thoughts, serious questions, and another Amazon Christmas shopping list. For the moment, I’m off to clean kitty cages at the local (private) shelter.


Oh, and here’s a bonus. The wiseass site has long had a freedomista slant. Lately, though, they’ve been getting pretty serious about it. The latest: “5 recent trends that make it hard to trust police.”

There’s little there that’ll be news to Living Freedom readers. But consider that Cracked’s audience goes waaaaay beyond us.


  1. kenk
    kenk November 23, 2013 11:53 am

    The Texas piglet didn’t change gloves between her finger rapes cuz the gloves were for HER protection not for her victims. Silly mundane.

  2. Kent McManigal
    Kent McManigal November 23, 2013 8:54 pm

    Cops are cowards, who are armed, and who rarely face any consequences for their actions. Not a good combo.

  3. Jim Klein
    Jim Klein November 24, 2013 11:59 am

    Thanks, Claire. Regarding Forbes, I enjoy the humor when the “fiscally conservative” figure out the more logical ways to rule people. I find it quaint already.

    “It made sense to fix the problems and make more people better off…”

    Oh. I can’t help but notice how fascists and communists always agree on this point…and most Americans agree as well. Also, I don’t know why anyone with half a wit would think this accomplished the opposite of what was intended. Governments are in the business of taxing and spending, and business has been very, very good for a long while now.

  4. jed
    jed November 24, 2013 12:04 pm

    > What to do if and when Obamacare collapses.

    Not what I was expecting, because I didn’t note the Forbes URL when I clicked. Since I don’t expect the government to do anything approaching allowing the market to work, I’m more interested in how to actually get healthcare without dealing with that wretched system.

    The really sad thing is that this system is going to result in a loss of available health care, in the end. In fact, this has already started, according to GeekWithA.45. Some of you might remember GeekWithA.45 from his Blogspot blog. I’ve corresponsed with him. I take his opinion on this quite seriously.

  5. Jim Klein
    Jim Klein November 24, 2013 1:14 pm

    “I’m more interested in how to actually get healthcare without dealing with that wretched system.”

    Great line. I’m stunned, not to mention dismayed, that overlooked through nearly all of this, has been exactly that…the healthcare itself. I’d say it’s been a trivial secondary consideration, but it hasn’t been even that.

    Gee, I wonder if that’ll matter down the road.

  6. Paul Bonneau
    Paul Bonneau November 24, 2013 4:26 pm

    “One Woman’s Dangerous War Against the Most Hated Man on the Internet”

    These sorts of things happen because the state has relegated crime deterrence to itself – and the state being typically inefficient, it doesn’t deter very well (even when it is not actively causing criminal action). In the old days, that is, the more free days, a father or husband would have gone to this scumbag’s house and shot him dead or beat him within an inch of his life. And that would be the end of it.

    Actually, knowing that outcome was possible, the scumbag probably wouldn’t have started in the first place.

    I think we need to get back to that kind of simple, effective justice.

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