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Oh my. I have been struck by another random act of kindness.

I just retrieved this from the post office. It arrived straight from Godiva, nested between still-frozen coolpaks.


I think once in my life I may have had a Godiva chocolate. One. A whole box of them is beyond dreaming. The box (which I haven’t opened yet because I’m still admiring it) came with this note:


“What better to accompany the best wines in the world than the best chocolate!”

Somebody has been reading the blog.

Somebody knows how to impress a woman.

Somebody is extravagantly thoughtful.

Somebody … didn’t sign a name.

I have my suspicions. I also have a suspicion that suspicions is all I’ll ever have when it comes to the sender of the Marvelous Mystery.

I’ll ponder the question while enjoying the world’s best combination of flavors.

I have an amazing life. Surrounded by amazing people.


  1. Joel
    Joel February 28, 2014 1:18 pm

    Cool! Savor. Go get more of that wine.

  2. naturegirl
    naturegirl February 28, 2014 1:48 pm

    Oh, you scored big time! (And you totally deserve it, too.) I am drooling and so very jealous LOL. Ya know, once you have that first one then the rest of the box just disappears to quickly, hehe……

  3. MamaLiberty
    MamaLiberty February 28, 2014 2:47 pm

    That’s wonderful! Savor and enjoy every molecule. 🙂

  4. jed
    jed February 28, 2014 3:55 pm

    Is Godiva really the ultimate? I haven’t had any. Mostly, I buy Dove, and the occasional Green & Blacks or Lindt, and sometimes the store brand at Whole Foods, which is very good. Used to buy Scharffen Berger milk chocolate bars, but Whole Foods stopped carrying them.

    It’s pretty nifty what chocolatiers are doing these days. Lots more varietal offerings, and flavor combinations. The Lindt caramel and sea salt chocolate is quite nice. I’m sure such concoctions have been around in very limited supply before, but they’re showing up more in the basic grocery now.

  5. Claire
    Claire February 28, 2014 3:57 pm

    You bet I’m going to savor and enjoy. I’d say I wish I could share with you all. But while that may be true in spirit, in fact, I’m glad I don’t have to share those Godiva goodies with anybody. Bwwwahhahaha! All mine, all mine! MIIIIIINE!!!!!

    (Well, my local friend L might get a few of them.)

  6. Claire
    Claire February 28, 2014 4:03 pm

    jed, if Godiva isn’t ultimate, it’s as close as I know how to get. I’ve also had the Lindt caramel and sea salt chocolates (love ’em). I’m noticing that salted caramel is the “in” flavor now, for chocolates, lattes, and even ice cream. But it’s good stuff.

    Godiva, aside from being good, is so elegant.

  7. Bear
    Bear February 28, 2014 4:36 pm


    … although to be practical, I’d be better off with the cash value in beans and rice…


    …but it must be 20 years since I’ve had Godiva…


  8. Karen
    Karen February 28, 2014 4:47 pm

    Claire, you and Joel do seem to have the coolest friends! Enjoy!

  9. jed
    jed February 28, 2014 6:39 pm

    I got inspired to do some web searching. The field of artisanal chocolate has really exploded since the last time I looked. This is by far the most far out.

    OTOH, it seems I can drive to Denver and buy some Maker’s Mark bourbon chocolates.

    And of course, there are chocolate-dipped apricots.

    There are also recipes combining chocolate, apricots, and bacon!

    I used to pick up a bottle of Trimbach Gewurztraminer every once in a while. Haven’t had any in years. Maybe I’ll seek out something from the Northwet. I recall an Idaho Chardonnay that was quite good too.

  10. naturegirl
    naturegirl March 1, 2014 1:15 pm

    First chocolate, then bacon gets mentioned. This is truly a food bliss thread.

  11. Pat
    Pat March 1, 2014 2:13 pm

    And then comes cheese. I know there are some good cheese outlets in that direction… delicious with chocolate and/or wine.

  12. Claire
    Claire March 1, 2014 5:52 pm

    Gads. Wine. Chocolate. Bacon. AND cheese. Let’s all have a PARTY!

  13. jed
    jed March 2, 2014 5:58 am

    Cheese and chocolate? Havin’ trouble wrapping my head around that one. But I’m all for having a party!

  14. Shel
    Shel March 2, 2014 12:00 pm

    I’m lost. When it gets beyond Whitman’s Samplers, I’m clueless. I am glad you are enjoying yourself, though.

  15. Ellendra
    Ellendra March 2, 2014 7:12 pm

    @Jed: Around here there’s a shop that sells cheese fudge. Best fudge I’ve ever tasted! (And that’s saying a lot.)

    Unfortunately the price has gone up so much I don’t think I’ve bought any in 10 years, so I can’t say if the quality is still the same.

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