- As you suffer through your taxes (or their aftermath), be of good cheer. You have much less chance of being audited than you’ve had in years.
- Church in a wealthy community installs a “homeless Jesus” sculpture. Woman reports the bum to cops.
- Notice to thieves: It’s not a good idea to burglarize the Pena household.
- In many places this would not be news. In darkest blue, gun-loathing New Jersey, it’s a bigger miracle than seeing Jesus’ face in a tortilla. (H/T jw)
- I think some school officials are going to be in trouble over this Sure hope so. (PT, who sent this, said she was reminded of Tonio Carolina from Hardyville. Yeah, me, too!)
- Bet you didn’t know that Jim Bovard did stand-up comedy. But he pretty much did that at the New Hampshire Liberty Forum. Little rough in the first few minutes. Gets better as it goes.
The NJ anti-gun case- and particularly the vile verbal flatulence emitted by the chief Po-po- is really disgusting.
“But the lights outside were not from an intruder. It was the police.”
Only a brainwashed statist could pretend police can’t be intruders.
“Chief Cummings said that while such verdicts can be for police tough to accept, they can’t dwell on the decisions of the court system.
Awww. The poor little tax parasites got their feelings hurt because their cowardice didn’t result in a man’s death or in him being taken hostage for multiple years. Poor babies. Maybe they should find HONEST jobs.
“‘Instead of taking this into his own hands, he could have picked up the phone and called 9-1-1,’ he said. ‘They would have told him it was the police outside his house…’”
Maybe he is wise enough to realize calling the cops only makes things worse. And maybe he isn’t a coward who felt the need to call others to come do what it was his right and duty to do.
“‘”If the community had more knowledge about gun laws, we could solve these problems. It’s a shame it happened the way it did.’”
If the cops realized they are criminals for enforcing even one of those anti-gun “laws”, it wouldn’t have even been an issue. The only thing the worthless police chief sees as a “shame” is that his victim survived.
I think it’s “less chance of being formally audited.” Did you miss the “Better technology is helping to offset some budget cuts” part?
Since they’ve already monitored all your answers, they don’t need to call you in to ask the questions.
Sorry. Taxday blues.
The lower chance of auditing is probably due to two reasons. One, as LarryA mentioned, is technology. With so many people electronically filing it is less likely to make a mistake that rings bells and they have your records available. to compare against your returns. The other reason is simply they are to busy auditing and harrassing political groups, charities, CEOs etc that the administration decides to target.