Carl-Bear has a graphical history of not-a-bomb scares in Boston. (Plus, of course, the real bombs The Authorities didn’t bother to get scared of.)
Carl-Bear has a graphical history of not-a-bomb scares in Boston. (Plus, of course, the real bombs The Authorities didn’t bother to get scared of.)
Aaaaaand…. they’ve just blown up a bag of camera gear that was notabomb, too.
Word is that the SPCA is advising city residents to keep their kittens safely indoors until police adrenaline levels drop.
Latest reports on the notabombing now say one of the exploded backpacks was photo gear belonging to a media outlet (oopsie). The other one had not been left by the finish line, but was being carried by the “perp” who dropped it when challenged by the cops and told them it was just a rice cooker (that’s per the reported police version of events. A picture seems to show that the “veil” he was wearing was an improvised poncho worn against the “pouring rain”.
Thus far, the Boston PD is 0-7 in recognizing bombs. And “Boston Strong” appears to translate as “Allahu akhbar” or something.