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Midweek links

  • I’ve been trying to find out how many New Yorkers dutifully lined up by yesterday’s deadline to get their yellow Star of David badges “assault weapon” registration forms. New York officials aren’t telling. Unofficial estimates are interesting.
  • In Seattle (where cops have been under federal scrutiny for being such brutes), apparently police aren’t the only badge-wearing thugs.
  • My apologies to LarryA for not linking this the other day, but it’s a good one even if I’m late with it. “Women’s intuition” and concealed carry meet a very surprised robber.
  • One more reason to exercise no matter how old you are: healthier skin.
  • No, it’s definitely not over at the Bundy Ranch. But the watchers remain ready.
  • Man, poor Mark Witaschek can’t catch a break. Just keep repeating to yourself, “This is the freest nation on earth, this is the freest nation on earth, this is …”


  1. Paul Bonneau
    Paul Bonneau April 16, 2014 5:56 pm

    Looks like Witaschek ought to bail out of DC and move to Bundy’s ranch! Time to pick sides in the coming revolution…

    As to NY’s “Safe” law, it doesn’t seem very safe for proponents to keep pushing it. Someone might get in his head to start shooting at them; in a state with a million new criminals there must be at least a few with nothing left to lose (terminal illness, etc.). If that happened, legislators would end up falling over themselves to repeal it.

    Actually I am really enjoying the idea that people are intentionally breaking the law. Good practice for them; we need more of that. Maybe we should thank Cuomo for making so many new lawbreakers!

  2. Bear
    Bear April 16, 2014 6:40 pm

    NY UNSAFE: Oh, yes. We can’t forget the “Unlike the mere personal and private information of permit holders, data embarrassing to the State is protected” exemption from disclosure.

    We can wait for the addresses of [foolish] NY UNSAFE registrants to be published and figure the numbers from that. But we’ll have to manually count the dots on the interactive map

  3. Matt, another
    Matt, another April 17, 2014 6:21 am

    Targeting persons such as Mr. Witashek is why the IRS is to busy for random audits. I do not consider Washington D.C. As part of the United States. It is run as a separate enclave for the criminally insane, protected by legions of janissaries, and supported by indentured servants. Filled with sycophants and pschycopathS, not fit place for a freeman or pets.

  4. MamaLiberty
    MamaLiberty April 17, 2014 6:58 am

    There is no place on earth where the risk of attack (man or animal) is zero. That’s why I carry my gun all the time, everywhere. That’s why I would not live in a place where I could not carry it. I do hope the lady who has the gun starts to carry it always, and I hope the lady she helped will consider becoming equiped and enabled to defend herself next time.

    Then there might be more stories like this: Unreported – The Crime That Didn’t Happen

    TXCOMT April 17, 2014 9:03 am

    Yeah, I like the idea of Beck heading out to visit Fort Bundy, but apparently he’s too busy rebuilding that dump of a “studio” he bought in Las Colinas to make the trip.


  6. LarryA
    LarryA April 17, 2014 12:31 pm

    From what I’ve been reading, lots of NY gunowners dutifully lined up and got their registration forms. But you have to subtract from that the number of forms shredded at various protests.

    One of the problems with incidents like Mr. Witacheck is uninformed responses.
    DC Man Convicted for Owning Antique Replica Bullets is Now Being Targeted by the IRS
    The day after the trial, an agent from the D.C. Office of Tax and Revenue showed up…
    Not that I heart the IRS but know your targets people.

    Interesting maps, Bear. They really show how gun-owners, even in NY, are a “small and shrinking minority,” right?

  7. LarryA
    LarryA April 17, 2014 12:39 pm

    And speaking of “Star of David” and “safe places” David Codrea over at JPFO checked the two Kansas locations where the KKK incompetent killed three Christians. Yes, they were both “gun-free.”

  8. Claire
    Claire April 17, 2014 1:47 pm

    Thank you for the JPFO link, LarryA. I’ll note, too, that the two photos in that alert showing the “no guns” signs aren’t just stock photos. I believe David had somebody take those for him, but in any case they’re photos of the actual places where the murders were committed.

    So stupid, stupid, stupid to think that signs would stop a murderer. Oh, but that’s alright because they’re going to hire security guards now. Apparently no actual firearm skills are needed. But they’ll have a live body to go with the signs.

  9. LarryA
    LarryA April 18, 2014 9:08 am

    Here in Texas we have the “30.06 sign.” It specifically prohibits legal, licensed concealed carry on the premises, with a criminal penalty of a Class A misdemeanor. (Year in county jail, $4,000 fine.)

    It’s perfectly legal for a mass killer with a rifle or shotgun, or both, to walk past a 30.06 sign into the venue. If the killer has no CHL he can’t be prosecuted under Penal Code 30.06 for carrying a handgun into the venue. He can be prosecuted for unlawful carry of a weapon, which is generally also a Class A misdemeanor.

    Of course, this being Texas, there aren’t many around. The only sign I’ve seen locally is on Time-Warner Cable. Their excuse is “We have it to keep our employees safe.”

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