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A few little things

I apologize for being so busy and frazzly this week that my blogitude has been neglectful. Been thinking about y’all (and about a possible post on the strange twists and turns of human nature).

Deadlining today, so here are a few quick bits to keep you busy:

Oath Keepers is calling for aid at the Bundy Ranch. I’m glad Stewart, Elias, and crew are on the scene. So is Mike Vanderboegh. Oath Keepers and Threepers. You can help without having to take your own body to Nevada.

JPFO is now offering extremely cool “Izula” knives from ESEE. ESEE donated 100 of them. Just went up for sale yesterday and are already a popular item.

And don’t forget the highly attitudinal “Gun Control is Not Kosher” AR raffle.

Speaking of Nevada, I thought this was funny:


Stolen from Random Nuclear Strikes, who probably stole it from somebody else first. Ain’t the Tubz wunnerful?


  1. Kevin Wilmeth
    Kevin Wilmeth April 18, 2014 8:12 am

    How aggravating a time do we live in, that the picture/comic can be that funny? Because it is.

    Now, if only we could get fence-sitters and the ignorantsia to notice the little gem of a lesson in MBV’s “fruits and nuts” observation. To wit: okay people, do you notice where all those folks that the Establishment keeps on calling “extremists” are located in this situation? Hint: they are not on the end of the spectrum at all. Do you understand? If you refuse to deal with the “extremists”, you’ll have to deal with the people they are holding back.

    The object lesson is right out there, clear as day, for anyone who cares enough to notice it.

    I’m hardly a religious or praying man, but I admit I sure hope the cool heads prevail and we don’t see martyrs made where a (further) moral victory is actually possible.

  2. LarryA
    LarryA April 18, 2014 8:50 am

    Do you understand?

    You’re speaking to the same folks who think the NRA is the extreme end of gun rights.

  3. MamaLiberty
    MamaLiberty April 18, 2014 8:51 am

    Plain as the nose on your face… the “EXTREMISTS” are the people in full battle dress with automatic weapons… threatening people on horses, who look like any county fair crowd in the country.

    And the fact that the extremists actually felt threatened themselves by these ordinary folk tells an interesting tale. Do you suppose that ANY of the battle dressed goons actually have a conscience? One wonders.

    We know Reid has none.

    The fact that all those county fair goers were able to maintain a rational, calm presence in the face of such threat is extremely hopeful.

    Seems they do need to police their ranks and toss out some of the idiots, however… but then, the idiots and dumb asses we will always have with us. We just need to stop allowing them to speak for us. 🙁

  4. naturegirl
    naturegirl April 18, 2014 12:56 pm

    Every time I see a photo or video from the Bundy situation I say the same thing: Look, they are normal people just like everyone else. Could be a neighbor or family member or someone on “your block.” If that doesn’t click on a few lightbulbs-in-their-heads (“their” ranges from government to people who are so appalled at other people who have guns). Real people, real serious.

    I was also thinking I would have probably cringed if they showed up all in camo with bandanas covering their faces (except since I lived in this state I could totally understand them wanting to keep the dust out); or a few running around looking like the stereotypical cowboy, complete with chaps and bullet belts (minus a horse). I would have facepalmed just because of what I’d expect the gun fearing people to say about it. But it turned out way better.

    I also hope that maybe this opens up more interest on the whole issue of government owned land (mostly out in the west) – why they have so much of it and handle it the way they do; and also give Reid more headaches that he truly deserves. Yeah, it’s definitely not over 🙂

  5. Paul Bonneau
    Paul Bonneau April 18, 2014 2:39 pm

    Here’s one that will make you go “Hmmm” – Bundy Ranch may have been a setup:

    They need to keep their eyes open for provocateurs…

  6. jed
    jed April 18, 2014 3:28 pm

    I popped for one of those knives — thanks for the head’s up, Claire. Yet more fodder for the “I need another knife like a need a hole in my head” argument. 🙂 But really, I haven’t bought a knife in over a year. (No, I don’t know how many knives I own.) A knife like that might be a good candidate for a paracord wrap. Time to learn the pineapple knot.

  7. Keith
    Keith April 18, 2014 5:06 pm

    Thanks for the youtube link. There’s a long history of waiting for the first shot to be fired, or fabricating a false flag that gives the appearance that the first shot has been fired.

    It is notable that journalism, politics and police are three of the top five areas for attracting people with psychopathic personalities (finance and religious ministry complete the list).

    We know from history that national governments have chosen to intern, expel and even exterminate entire populations of millions of people, based on nationality, religion, race or even consceince.

    We also know that they are capable of fire bombing and even nuking entire cities, months after the “enemy” had sought a negotiated peace, and just days before complete military occupation was achieved.

    In the case of WWii Germany, the Morganthau plan called for massive population reduction (murder) and destruction of all industries but agriculture – the Germans knew all about that plan – is it any wonder that ordinary Germans kept fighting, months and even years longer than they otherwise would have?

    The term “sociopath” is intended to confuse and distract from the core problems caused by psychopaths (people with zero empathy for others), while all psychopaths are sociopathic, not all sociopaths are psychopathic.

    The current workers on psychopathy are all state funded, they’re not going to expose the people who award their research funds for what they really are. It is necessary to read between the lines of their work.

    Narcissists are also a problem (those with malignant self love – check out Sam Vaknin’s youtube channel, his coversation with Ruth Jacobs gives a good intro).

    along with associated scheming little turds and dirty pragmatists.

    There is no appealing to the better side of these types, they don’t have one, they experience no stress while lying, they actually enjoy it, they have no guiding principles, and will thrill seek in the most abusive of ways.

  8. Claire
    Claire April 18, 2014 5:08 pm

    I got one, too, jed. And even if neither of us “needs” another knife, those have proved to be hugely popular little items. Out of the 100 that were donated, 75 were gone by the end of JPFO’s business day today. That’s less than 24 hours after they were “bannered.” Wow.

    Oooh, that pineapple knot is pretty. I have a big hank of paracord (thanks to Christmas 2012!) and will be experimenting.

  9. jed
    jed April 18, 2014 8:50 pm

    After watching a few videos, I’m not sure the pineapple knot will work too well for a skeleton handle. There’s a bunch of videos on wrapping. I’ll play around wtih whether the Snyder wrap works, but I’m somewhat doubtful. Did find this:
    Schlangenhaut Izula Wrap. Fortunately, you don’t need to understang German to follow it. There’s some other vids based on the Izula.

  10. jed
    jed April 18, 2014 9:15 pm

    Errr, I meant Strider wrap.

  11. Jim B.
    Jim B. April 19, 2014 9:28 am

    About the “comic”, I don’t know why Obama would want to “invade” Nevada, the whole state is practically a military base. The only way is would be a good place to have a gulch would be to expect the installations to be abandoned.

    As for the knife, unfortunately, I’ve just recently acquired both a Kephart and a Nessmuk knives. But what the hell? How can one have too many knives? Just don’t tell me one cannot have too many guns. : )

  12. Claire
    Claire April 19, 2014 11:56 am

    Got my Izula today. Fast. As cool in person as it looked online. It fits so snugly into its sheath that I had trouble drawing it at first and eventually used a flat-bladed screwdriver to loosen the sheath a tad. It’s supposed to snap tightly into the sheath, of course, because among other things its designed for around-the-neck lanyard carry with the handle hanging down. But took me a little figuring.

  13. Claire
    Claire April 19, 2014 11:57 am

    Jim B. — I’d never tell anybody they had too many knives. Or guns. 🙂 Unless they were psychos or the bodyguards of anti-gun politicians.

  14. Pat
    Pat April 19, 2014 1:12 pm

    And how will this play out?

    ‘”We are not interested in having control of every acre,” she said. “There are lands that are off the table that rightly have been designated by the federal government.”’

    For myself, I don’t know which lands those would be.

    I’m surprised that Washington and New Mexico are in that group. But would also hope that South Dakota might be a part of it.

  15. jed
    jed April 19, 2014 5:17 pm

    > For myself, I don’t know which lands those would be.

    Oh, I can imagine the politicians would just as soon leave the Nevada Test Site in the hands of the feddies. Nellis AFB too.

    Here’s another Izula wrap auf Deutch. I understood some of the words, in isolation … zussamen, unter, aber, feuer, paracord.

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