Over at JPFO, I write about that just-plain, aw-shucks, down-home, good-ole sh*t-kickin’ member of the grassroots, Michael Bloomberg. And how the latest fraudulent “grassroots group” joins a long and ignoble tradition.
More billionaire bux — down the tubes!
Another remarkably good article, Claire.
Why, thank you, Shel.
‘Course, “Grassroots” Bloomberg is a remarkably easy target.
And OMG, doesn’t that Shannon Watts look like a Stepford creature? Every photo I’ve ever seen of her has that same absolutely plastic quality, as if she came out of a mold in a factory somewhere.
Nice one. And very encouraging!
Shannon Watts: The Stepford Barbie.
$10/NRA member
$1.60/hunting license
Moms standing up to NRA’s resistance to sensible gun laws
“Luckily, next weekend’s (NRA) events in Indy will also feature another voice: Everytown for Gun Safety.”
It will be interesting to see if the new Moms do any better than the demonstrations last year at the Houston NRA convention. Single-digit turnouts, that’s just embarrassing. But I guess the $50mil Bloomberg “grassroots” donation will be able to buy more protestors. The NRA is only expecting 70,000 gun folks.
Good article Claire. I laughed after reading little man’s statement about going to heaven. Whistle in the dark much??? This egotistical little asshat is an amazing man when it comes to being brazen. I look at those photos with great amusement. He really wants to end his days in something other than the elitist fascist he is at heart.
well shot – err, I mean written.
Fortunately you are managing to preempt these attempts at using techniques from Jan Kozak’s (Czech communist) manual “and not a shot is fired”
In Britain we have Gill Marshall Andrews of “the gun control network” with a seat on the home office (British government) firearms consultative committee – despite her “group” having somewhere in the region of six members.
OMG, did you see the ad Bloomy’s “grassroots” came up with to announce their launch?
It’s so priceless I’ve asked JPFO’s webmaster if he can add it to my article after the fact. Dunno whether he will or not. But hooboy! Is that graphic ever going to become infamous!
Bob Owens says the Bloomy ad is a parody:
Funny, I checked around a bit to see if it was a fake because it looked too bad to be true. But even then, it may have fooled me. Waiting to see if Owens gets confirmed.
And by “grass roots,” he means “Astrotufing.”
And, crikey, that woman does look like a Famous Plastic Toy. She looks as fake as a lady televangelist.
Yup, Victor. In fact, I’d say she looks slightly more plastic than the late Tammy Faye Bakker (who at least looked weird & overdone in a highly individual way). And that Watts woman looks that way in every, single photo you’ll ever see of her. Hair, body, clothes, and personality looking like extruded plastic.
Nice piece, C, but I’d still keep a weather eye out…Bloomie’s got lots of money and so do his cronies; heck, wasn’t it a truckload of money that got Obama elected? I agree this latest effort probably won’t stick, but they’ll keep trying until something does!
Like the wise man said–The Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance!