I have yet to see a good (ie. somewhat objective) overview of what’s actually going on here. Both sides seem to have done a good job ramping up the propaganda machine. Claire, are you working on something that would give us a clearer picture of the issues?
ClaireApril 20, 2014 9:17 am
LibertyNews — I’m sorry, but I haven’t been researching the background on this beyond doing the same blog and article reading you probably have. I wish Vin Suprynowicz (http://www.vinsuprynowicz.com/) were still writing regularly. He’d be exactly the guy for this. I’ve been overwhelmingly busy.
Kurt Hofmann had a very good piece yesterday about the effectiveness of the militia in the Bundy standoff (http://jpfo.org/articles-assd04/bundy-stand-off-analysis.htm). And I’m with him in believing that the underlying issues of grazing, fees, tortoises, and Harry Reid’s agenda can be viewed separately from the issue of fed overkill and armed resistance.
Curt SApril 20, 2014 9:28 am
I cannot understand how Reid stayed in office all these years. I cannot believe folks in Nevada are that dumb. Oh…wait….I forgot all those idiots who voted for Obama. As for Reid instigating this for his own pocket….well, I believe where there is smoke there is fire. For that matter I don’t trust ANY politician any longer…be they City, County, State, or Federal. Nothing but a bunch of crooks…the whole damm bunch. That sound extreme? Consider what one Nevada said to the BLM…..He *asked* them to stop. Asked???!!! What a load of crap!!
Re that speech at the ranch…. Right on!!
KeithApril 20, 2014 10:31 am
I suspect that the background is a lot more serious than just a politican lining his own pockets.
I think that the $3.3 trillion in fe’ral bonds held in China, and now severely diluted by fe’ral reserve money printing are the big issue.
Perkins’ book from the mid 2000s, “confessions of an economic hitman” described the process of enticing a central planner into taking on massive debts in the name of “development” then when the repayments became unsustainable, as planned, concessions such as oil and mineral rights, military bases, military cooperation, and real estate were all extracted. The place became a piece of empire, a vassal, without any need for the risk of military involvement.
With or without “economic hitmen” to help them along, I think that is what politicians have done in your name.
If it wasn’t Reid, I think some other oportunists would be profiteering by doing the same thing, you’ll always find “a man for all seasons”, a Marshall Petin will always step up.
I strongly suspect that we’ll find that Reid, and others like him are probably doing the same thing all over the united state, for the carrot of lining their own pockets at the expense of productive people. as politicians [adding “psychopathic” would be to add un necessary redundancy] are wont to do.
The stick would be “China” shorting sufficeint dollar bonds to collapse the market in united state debt, and to keep it collapsed.
I suspect that the actions of politicians so far, have ensured that one way or another, they’ll poke the wolverine.
I hope it hasn’t gone that far, but worry that it already has.
default on government debt will happen one way or another;
-more money printing risks hyper inflation, and return of dollar reserves from overseas could cause that to happen anyway.
-money printing and bond issuing risks the bond market crashing or being crashed
-Further tax rises would be incredibly unpopular, and would likely spark revolts.
I don’t know how Americans are likely to take to living in the sort of political economy that we more usually associate with Argentina or the PIIGS.
Incidentally, hyper inflation is a popular repudiation of the robbery which is excessive money printing. I haven’t given it much thought before now, but I’m wondering whether it is actually the lesser evil, when compared with the continuing theft and slavery of a fiat currency.
PatApril 20, 2014 10:53 am
The gist and tone ― if not the style ― of some of that speech rivals Patrick Henry’s “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” speech. Read slowly and with understanding it can stir the future to challenge tyrants.
“History is written not by the historians BUT BY THE PEOPLE WHO LIVED IT AND WHO MADE IT HAPPEN.”
That is something the arrogance of historians (and politicians) tend to forget. They attempt to alter the meaning as soon as words are spoken and deeds are done. But in the technology of 21st Century, Vanderboegh’s words will not be lost to the future, or allowed to be misinterpreted.
EllendraApril 20, 2014 10:56 am
Curt: Given the amount of voter fraud that’s been going on, it might not be the citizens who are keeping him in office.
Kevin 3%April 20, 2014 10:56 am
Reid has stayed in office with the help of such stellar advocates for liberty as the NRA. The NRA (Negotiating Rights Away) was instrumental in his reelection, because Reid supported some new state-of-the-art gun range in Nevada.
Yes, this is the same NRA that refused to challenge the nomination of one, Eric -the-with-Holder, U.S. Attorney General. They claimed at the time that they “didn’t want to waste valuable political capital by fighting his nomination”.
The same NRA that was dragged kicking and screaming to the reality of Obama and Co.’s Operation Fast & Furious.
With friends like the NRA the liberty movement might as well submit to the will of .gov, because the NRA will eventually negotiate us into that position anyway!
LarryAApril 20, 2014 1:36 pm
BLM is now #1 on my list of government agencies and functions we can do without. There’s no earthly reason for the federal government to control one eighth of the land in the U.S.
naturegirlApril 20, 2014 8:18 pm
Yes, Curt, they are. I have lived in many states and never have encountered people quite like they are here. The ones who have their heads stuck so deeply in the sand, literally, are only countered by the Californian immigrants. And the CA transplants brought along their own odd habits to the party. I can’t explain why or how it came to be like this, it just has. But aside from that, it simply came down to no one running against Reid that sounded like a better choice. And as is with other states with 2 different “cultures” within the state, NV also has it’s own North vs South – or better yet, rural vs cities – problems that only contribute to the mess.
NV may be the 7th largest state, but it is populated with more tumbleweeds, cows, and wild horses, than humans. The entire state has just shy of 3 million people. (Actual number of how many of those are actual US citizens – I really don’t know.) Voter turn out is same as so many other places, less than 1/3. I can guarantee you that less than 1% of THOSE were aware of just how influential their votes were/are on the ENTIRE USA.
There’d be a better chance at salvation by looking into the whole term limit possibilities instead of pinning hopes on the voters here.
I have yet to see a good (ie. somewhat objective) overview of what’s actually going on here. Both sides seem to have done a good job ramping up the propaganda machine. Claire, are you working on something that would give us a clearer picture of the issues?
LibertyNews — I’m sorry, but I haven’t been researching the background on this beyond doing the same blog and article reading you probably have. I wish Vin Suprynowicz (http://www.vinsuprynowicz.com/) were still writing regularly. He’d be exactly the guy for this. I’ve been overwhelmingly busy.
Kurt Hofmann had a very good piece yesterday about the effectiveness of the militia in the Bundy standoff (http://jpfo.org/articles-assd04/bundy-stand-off-analysis.htm). And I’m with him in believing that the underlying issues of grazing, fees, tortoises, and Harry Reid’s agenda can be viewed separately from the issue of fed overkill and armed resistance.
I cannot understand how Reid stayed in office all these years. I cannot believe folks in Nevada are that dumb. Oh…wait….I forgot all those idiots who voted for Obama. As for Reid instigating this for his own pocket….well, I believe where there is smoke there is fire. For that matter I don’t trust ANY politician any longer…be they City, County, State, or Federal. Nothing but a bunch of crooks…the whole damm bunch. That sound extreme? Consider what one Nevada said to the BLM…..He *asked* them to stop. Asked???!!! What a load of crap!!
Re that speech at the ranch…. Right on!!
I suspect that the background is a lot more serious than just a politican lining his own pockets.
I think that the $3.3 trillion in fe’ral bonds held in China, and now severely diluted by fe’ral reserve money printing are the big issue.
Perkins’ book from the mid 2000s, “confessions of an economic hitman” described the process of enticing a central planner into taking on massive debts in the name of “development” then when the repayments became unsustainable, as planned, concessions such as oil and mineral rights, military bases, military cooperation, and real estate were all extracted. The place became a piece of empire, a vassal, without any need for the risk of military involvement.
With or without “economic hitmen” to help them along, I think that is what politicians have done in your name.
If it wasn’t Reid, I think some other oportunists would be profiteering by doing the same thing, you’ll always find “a man for all seasons”, a Marshall Petin will always step up.
I strongly suspect that we’ll find that Reid, and others like him are probably doing the same thing all over the united state, for the carrot of lining their own pockets at the expense of productive people. as politicians [adding “psychopathic” would be to add un necessary redundancy] are wont to do.
The stick would be “China” shorting sufficeint dollar bonds to collapse the market in united state debt, and to keep it collapsed.
I suspect that the actions of politicians so far, have ensured that one way or another, they’ll poke the wolverine.
I hope it hasn’t gone that far, but worry that it already has.
default on government debt will happen one way or another;
-more money printing risks hyper inflation, and return of dollar reserves from overseas could cause that to happen anyway.
-money printing and bond issuing risks the bond market crashing or being crashed
-Further tax rises would be incredibly unpopular, and would likely spark revolts.
I don’t know how Americans are likely to take to living in the sort of political economy that we more usually associate with Argentina or the PIIGS.
Incidentally, hyper inflation is a popular repudiation of the robbery which is excessive money printing. I haven’t given it much thought before now, but I’m wondering whether it is actually the lesser evil, when compared with the continuing theft and slavery of a fiat currency.
The gist and tone ― if not the style ― of some of that speech rivals Patrick Henry’s “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” speech. Read slowly and with understanding it can stir the future to challenge tyrants.
“History is written not by the historians BUT BY THE PEOPLE WHO LIVED IT AND WHO MADE IT HAPPEN.”
That is something the arrogance of historians (and politicians) tend to forget. They attempt to alter the meaning as soon as words are spoken and deeds are done. But in the technology of 21st Century, Vanderboegh’s words will not be lost to the future, or allowed to be misinterpreted.
Curt: Given the amount of voter fraud that’s been going on, it might not be the citizens who are keeping him in office.
Reid has stayed in office with the help of such stellar advocates for liberty as the NRA. The NRA (Negotiating Rights Away) was instrumental in his reelection, because Reid supported some new state-of-the-art gun range in Nevada.
Yes, this is the same NRA that refused to challenge the nomination of one, Eric -the-with-Holder, U.S. Attorney General. They claimed at the time that they “didn’t want to waste valuable political capital by fighting his nomination”.
The same NRA that was dragged kicking and screaming to the reality of Obama and Co.’s Operation Fast & Furious.
With friends like the NRA the liberty movement might as well submit to the will of .gov, because the NRA will eventually negotiate us into that position anyway!
BLM is now #1 on my list of government agencies and functions we can do without. There’s no earthly reason for the federal government to control one eighth of the land in the U.S.
Yes, Curt, they are. I have lived in many states and never have encountered people quite like they are here. The ones who have their heads stuck so deeply in the sand, literally, are only countered by the Californian immigrants. And the CA transplants brought along their own odd habits to the party. I can’t explain why or how it came to be like this, it just has. But aside from that, it simply came down to no one running against Reid that sounded like a better choice. And as is with other states with 2 different “cultures” within the state, NV also has it’s own North vs South – or better yet, rural vs cities – problems that only contribute to the mess.
NV may be the 7th largest state, but it is populated with more tumbleweeds, cows, and wild horses, than humans. The entire state has just shy of 3 million people. (Actual number of how many of those are actual US citizens – I really don’t know.) Voter turn out is same as so many other places, less than 1/3. I can guarantee you that less than 1% of THOSE were aware of just how influential their votes were/are on the ENTIRE USA.
There’d be a better chance at salvation by looking into the whole term limit possibilities instead of pinning hopes on the voters here.