A retrospective on gun rights, 1994-2014.
8 CommentsMonth: April 2014
On Eric Holder and those not-so-smart guns that make government control freaks and their cronies in the business world drool.
11 CommentsDoesn’t it just stand to reason — doesn’t it just? — that the Human Ken Doll has has nothing good to say about the Human Barbie Doll? Weird old world we live in, innit? I know there’s absolutely nothing funny about a fatal mudslide, as the people of Oso, Washington, are learning to their horror. But at least there’s a certain strangely poetic justice to this mudslide in China. Government priorities. I swear, anybody as witty as Tam ought to have a late-night show of her own and be getting fabulously rich and famous. The homeless guy and the ATM…
9 CommentsI’ve been trying to find good words to say about the McCarthyist botch of political correctness run amok at Mozilla this past week. I think this pretty much takes care of what needs saying. Can hardly believe it’s from a former Obama speech writer. (H/T JG)
13 CommentsMy latest article on JPFO.
5 CommentsLaird Minor, a good guy and a member of the Living Freedom Commentariat, has just published a new book. It’s called Kairos: A Proposal to Restore Federalism to the United States. Okay, I hear the keyboards of the anarchists and cynics charging up now. I suspect I’m even hearing the sound of a few claws being sharpened out there. I suspect Laird’s expecting that. Nevertheless, some things to note: Kairos is free for the next several days; Laird is more interested in getting it read than getting it sold, so he’s also offering a free .pdf copy to those who…
37 CommentsYou tell me. I know that the right software and the right settings are key to electronic privacy on computers. But are there some computers (laptops, especially) that are inherently more private and secure due to their hardware? I always buys used Lenovo laptops. They (and their predecessors from IBM) are the sturdiest beasties in the computer world. Mine have been knocked off tables by rambunctious dogs (or by me) dozens of times, and while various plastic bits may have cracked or broken off, the workings inside their titanium cases have just gone right on ticking. Unfortunately the other day…
42 CommentsFrom Sipsey Street.
9 CommentsWhat nonsense. Lego doesn’t destroy children’s souls. Now, My Little Pony, on the other hand … The ATF: as corrupt as they are cruel and incompetent. The 10 states people are leaving. Some surprises at the bottom of the list. No surprises at all at the top. Our glorious ally in freedom, Saudi Arabia, has declared all atheists to be terrorists. Of course, Christians were already on their naughty list. Good infographic on militarization of policing. Does it worry anybody besides me that this list of most popular (actually, just most populated) U.S. jobs contains not a single position in…
16 CommentsKurt Hofmann created this after I suggested that a phrase he used in tonight’s JPFO alert would make a perfect official NRA flag. ADDED: Kent McManigal got inspired and made a pair of further refinements on his site. See ’em both? In case you haven’t had a chance to notice, JPFO’s got some fine new writing talent. Kurt and Nicki Kenyon have been producing short & spicy articles just about every day of the week. I might get a word or two in myself, and maybe some others will, as well.