- In case Donald Trump wins, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, will roll out the red carpet to Americans. No word on where we’ll go if anybody else wins, but to hell in a handbasket seems a likely option. (H/T MJR)
- “Nino at the Bridge.” Quote: You know your country has big trouble when the death of one man tosses your political reckonings, your expectations, your fundamental understandings into the briar patch … (Yes, the author’s a bit more enamored of the Constitution that you probably are, but Scalia was a good man.)
- Borepatch: Don’t buy a Samsung smart TV. I think I’d make that don’t buy any smart TV unless you can easily take it offline. Big Brother will be listening.
- There are good reasons Europe’s Jews are so nervous. And this article covers only the “right” half of them.
- You mean Radio Flyer is still around? Here I thought they disappeared with coonskin caps and the original hula hoops. But boy, their little red wagons sure have changed.
- Since so many hereabouts are so fond of things that go boom, whoosh, and pow, I present Josh Bloom on fluorine: the element from hell. Complete with videos!
Regarding Mr. Trump, I just finished reading this:
While the ‘Move to Cape Breton” thing is funny, I would suggest to you guys you seriously need to have a plan B.
SMART = tracking you.
Thomas Sowell, as always, has an enlightening perspective, this time on Trump. http://townhall.com/columnists/thomassowell/2016/01/23/do-emotions-trump-facts-part-ii-n2108185
Maybe Scalia wasn’t as important as we thought. http://www.gallup.com/opinion/polling-matters/189251/long-serving-scalia-controversial-widely-unknown.aspx
I realize that there’s considerable sentiment on this site that holds the Constitution isn’t all that big a deal. I just don’t know how, without written codified legal principles, we could be anything other than a plain democracy, complete with the two lions and a lamb environment. At least with the Constitution there has been something to point to as a guide, which in my mind has held society together longer than it would have otherwise lasted.
Chlorine Trifluoride, called by the Germans N-stoff, takes fluorine and makes it REALLY exciting. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chlorine_trifluoride
I realize that fluorine isn’t fluoride, but I do find it ironic that water can add fuel to a fluorine fire. So much for playing with chemicals…
Things I Won’t Work With: Dioxygen Difluoride.
“If the paper weren’t laid out in complete grammatical sentences and published in JACS, you’d swear it was the work of a violent lunatic. I ran out of vulgar expletives after the second page. A. G. Streng, folks, absolutely takes the corrosive exploding cake, and I have to tip my asbestos-lined titanium hat to him.”
A few years ago people trying to talk Derek Lowe into compiling his TIWWW series into a book.I need to check if that happened.
99% of everything everybody does has nothing whatsoever to do with government, whether constitutional, democratic, or dictatorial. That 1% causes most of our problems. End it.
Have you guys seen what’s happening with the iPhone encryption “debate”?
Follow-up to Jim B’s question –
So Scalia and Finicum finally meet in
I haven’t copyrighted it so feel free to pass around!