It’s been a crazy week for sure. So much going on (mostly thanks to the unusual coverage and chaos surrounding Nicki’s TZP post on Ted Nugent and David Codrea’s Ammoland writeup on that) it’s hard to believe the week’s only halfway through.
Also got the big cannabis article (plus three sidebars and 13 photos with captions) turned in today. Whew.
But no time to breathe a sigh of relief. The crazy continues. And in between bouts of crazy, I’m trying to finish the drywall mudding in the bathroom.
Besides all that … if you recall, I’m losing my home Internet connection. On Saturday, in fact. I originally thought it would go away earlier in the month, but 2/20 is the day.
So tell me, please, from your POV as a reader of this blog, are there any loose ends I need to tie up before that happens? Anything I’ve left hanging?
Remember, I’m not disappearing on you. So … um, let’s not get dramatic or sentimental about this. I’ll still blog at least two or three times a week and I hope they’ll be (generally) more thoughtful, if less newsy, blogs. I’ll have wifi access at the library. But for six months at least, I’ll be a little harder to get hold of and a little quieter than now.
Will your email address disappear now, or will that come later?
Nothing at all will disappear, Pat. I’ll just be even slower than I already am to respond to email and depending on how overloaded the mailbox gets, at times I may not be able to respond at all.
OK, thanks. I thought you said you would be dropping your current email and getting a new one at some point.
For some reason, I’d like another picture of the furry pair.
Pat — Oh yeah! THAT. You’re right! I do intend to change the email addy over time because of stupid security breaches. I wasn’t thinking about that just now. But yes … eventually. Once life quiets down a little bit.
Larry — The Furry Bunch! That’s a good request. Not one I’d have thought of, but good one. I’ll see what I can do …
What is wrong with “newsy” blog posts? This is one of the very few rational “news” discussions I’ve found. RRND is great for reporting, but far too few people participate in comments there.
But whatever works for you, Claire. That’s what is important now.
Not a thing wrong with newsy. It’s just that I won’t be channeling as much news when I’m offline more!
I’m looking forward to it, a bit. But I’m also regretting it’s happening on the day of the Nevada caucuses and just before the SC primaries, which should be entertaining.
I, too, don’t hope you get too much out of the news business. Your site, along with the Drudge Report and a few email lists I’m on are pretty much all the news I need to know what’s going on.
ML: A question out of ignorance. What’s RRND?
Maybe I’m looking at the world all wrong, and maybe the Commentariat can help me to see things aright, but why does it seem that a person’s levels of freedom is gauged by the hardships they can endure, rather than by the comforts they can enjoy?
Having recently moved and found 2 freedoms I never thought I’d ever have, it really makes me question whether Janice was right. Is freedom really about having nothing left to lose (hardship), or is it when you gain back what you have lost (comfort)? Right now I feel pretty darned free!
Thanks to all
I, for one, will be sad to not read your posting daily BUT I will gladly trade that for tri-weekly as long as contact is maintained. (fingers crossed)
I hope the “spare time”, like there is any for most of us these days, is good for you Claire. I trust that Ava and Robby will see to the daily “post, bush and corner” patrols. It’s actually the “taking Mom for her exercise” patrols but they have sworn me to secrecy. (rolls eyes) I warned them about my propensity towards chatter …
While it may not be a daily update for a while I, for one, am happy to know you will still be updating us as you can.
With a blazingly fast 28 Kbps connection the ability to read your postings and have the advantage of what would take hours for me to find on my own is a real gift from you. (Have I mentioned lately how much I Just. Love. my dial up connection? Still better than nothing by far.
All the Best,
Once life quiets down a little bit.
That’s a good one.
Shel, RRND is Rational Review News Digest:
A good cross section of “news” and internet commentary, often with comments by the editors. I was an editor there for several years. 🙂
Hey Claire, before you go offline – you might want to binge-watch some Vet Ranch on Youtube – they take homeless dogs and cats (along with the occasional horse and hedgehog) that are slated for euthanasia and rehab them with the assistance of viewer donations. It’s heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time –
Thanks, jc2k — I’ve seen too many animals like that in my real life. I have watched some Vet Ranch videos and I’m so glad to see those critters saved. But I can barely stand to view such stuff any more.
Thanks, ML. I’ll start following it some.
I’m going to send you an email so I’ll for sure be on the list of people to get your new email address. I haven’t been keeping up…why did you get rid of your home connection? I cancelled my “broadband” because it was slow, unreliable and expensive. Now using my phone as a hot spot, but will have to cut WAY back on data usage.