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How YOU benefit if the blog fundraiser makes goal

Fundraising total to date: $4,415.

Goal: $5,500. UPDATE 8/31/16: We have more than made goal, thanks to you! You can still benefit by donating (see below), but I couldn’t be happier. Right now.

Getting there, guys. Getting there, thanks to you.

So let me tell you what happens when (I’m going for when, rather than if) this fundraiser reaches its goal. It’s good news. For you, as well as me.

Right now, you see a blog. There’s a half-finished home page, too. Not much on it yet, but it’s pretty. I have in mind for it to serve as a portal and perhaps a place to have a little non-blog fun. We’ll see. These features remain no matter what happens, moneywise. You got us this far.

But. If we make goal, there’s more. Or there will be over time. Among other things, there’ll be a member-only area with a private forum, free downloads, and occasional articles for members only. And everybody who’s contributed more than $20 to the current fundraiser will automatically be entitled to membership. Length of membership will depend upon the size of your contribution, but the minimum will be three months.

Why a private forum? Several good reasons. Minimizing the presence of trolls and eejits. Creating a small, intimate discussion area that will expand on the flavor of the Living Freedom Commentariat. Being able to let our hair down among friends. Another reason for the private forum is that that’s where you’ll find “Silver’s Corner.” If you hung out on the old TCF/TMM forums, you know Silver for his expert analyses of money and free-market economic matters. He also has several other areas of helpful expertise. He’s not over there any more. Now you’ll find him here, in the member area. He has pledged to post at least one article a week and to participate in discussions, answer questions, and generally be his enlightening self. I’ll be there, too, of course. My role will be … um … adding class to the joint. And Attitude. 🙂

I’ll remain out here blogging for all to see, also. Silver might occasionally blog, as well, though his presence in the hidden forums will be his main mission.

I hope you’ll be here, as you were at the old BHM blog.

For now, I’ll mostly be dual posting both places until this site is developed a bit more. Then we’ll make the move. Meantime, please bookmark this page: and I’ll let you know when we’re ready to make the switch.


  1. Fred
    Fred August 2, 2016 9:25 pm

    Nice Website!

  2. AG
    AG August 2, 2016 9:41 pm

    Nice. The place has a “tidy” feel to it.

  3. Karen
    Karen August 2, 2016 10:18 pm


  4. jed
    jed August 2, 2016 10:54 pm

    Oh, hai dere!

    Cool, you even got the archives ported over. Did you want to have comments enabled for 2010? 🙂

  5. M
    M August 3, 2016 1:24 am

    Not to shabby! Glad to see things progressing. 🙂

  6. CB
    CB August 3, 2016 12:08 pm


  7. MamaLiberty
    MamaLiberty August 3, 2016 2:39 pm

    Somebody has been hard at work! Very nice and clean. 🙂

  8. knobster
    knobster August 3, 2016 6:01 pm

    So glad to read your work again Claire. Silver and I have been corresponding a bit regarding your blog. I’m happy to support in any small way I can.

    Wait… I just saw the ‘preventing eejits’ remark. Oh no…

  9. Claire
    Claire August 3, 2016 6:09 pm

    LOL! Thank you, knobster. Just got your donation.

    And don’t worry, if we took the “preventing eejits” rule too seriously, there are days when I wouldn’t be allowed in, either. You’ll be most welcome when/if that forum comes to life. I’m hoping we’ll know in a week or so whether we’re going to make goal.

  10. RustyGunner
    RustyGunner August 3, 2016 6:55 pm

    Nice place ya got here. Be a shame if something . . . happened to it.

    Now I just have to convince my RSS reader this site exists.

  11. RustyGunner
    RustyGunner August 3, 2016 7:06 pm

    I just looked at the landing page.

    I think I dated Lorem Ipsum once, long ago.

    So, we’re all Caballeros and Caballeras now. I can dig it.

  12. capn
    capn August 3, 2016 7:08 pm

    Finances are in a tailspin currently but will be showing up soon-ish. (end of this month?)

    stay safe

  13. Pat
    Pat August 3, 2016 9:20 pm

    Kudos to Bear. I don’t know websites well at all, but it seems to be a relatively complex one – yet as more is added each day, it integrates smoothly with what was already in place.

    And the more I look at the title, the less I see “blog”; I seem to be be overlooking the word now, so I guess it won’t be a distraction after all, at least for me.

    Will we be able to correct our own mistakes in our commentary?

  14. He Who Fakes It Well
    He Who Fakes It Well August 3, 2016 9:28 pm

    Not at this time, but I’ll look into it.

  15. Joel
    Joel August 3, 2016 9:46 pm

    Ah, that new blog smell!

  16. A.C.
    A.C. August 4, 2016 6:13 pm

    What’s it like having a shiny new web presence that’s logically organized and doesn’t have files scattered all over at random? I’m jealous!

    Good luck.

  17. feralfae/iloilo
    feralfae/iloilo August 4, 2016 12:04 pm

    Thank you, Joel, for letting me know where this place is to be found.
    Claire, congratulations!

    Oh, I do like the edit feature!

  18. Claire
    Claire August 4, 2016 12:32 pm

    Thank Joel, definitely. But OTOH, I didn’t meant to leave your or anybody else in the dark, feralfae! I’ve been posting the link on the Backwoods Home blog and will continue to do that for a little while yet, but I didn’t think (yet) to notify donors by email. Please forgive me if I’ve been remiss in that.

  19. Claire
    Claire August 4, 2016 12:33 pm

    A.C. — It feels fiiiiine, thank you! And thanks, too, for contributing and sending people here.

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