This is a Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS7, whose photo was taken with a Nikon Coolpix P6000. This is a Nikon Coolpix P6000 (and extras), whose photo was taken with a Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS7. One person responded to my bleg for a new blogging camera. But whotta response. It goes without saying that both of these cameras go beyond the little point-and-shoot I was looking for. The Nikon goes beyond any camera I ever owned at any time or ever imagined owning. When the giver offered me my choice of the two, I responded, “You choose — and surprise me.” Well ……
8 CommentsMonth: October 2017
If you’ve been here a while, you know I’m not much of a cook. But I have my little specialties. Simple things. One is a stir-fry I concocted about a year ago. You begin with coconut oil if you have it; olive oil and butter if you don’t. Then in go chicken and veggies. The sauce is a few generous shakes of rice vinegar flavored with oregano and basil and a few slightly less generous shakes of Lea & Perrins Worcestershire sauce (accept no substitutes). The final step is a judicious grinding of Trader Joe’s Everyday Seasoning. —– Now, Trader…
13 CommentsPlease pardon me if this is nothing but stream of consciousness. The final thing I did yesterday evening before turning out the light was finish reading Jeff Guinn’s The Road to Jonestown. The book is as enthralling as it is appalling. I read every word of it, down to the acknowledgements and the end notes, trying to comprehend what cruel trick of the human brain made hundreds of people willing to follow such an obviously megalomaniacal charlatan as Jim Jones unto death. Guinn gives as much information as you’d ever want to know about how Jones became what he became…