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  1. rochester_veteran
    rochester_veteran November 21, 2017 3:04 am

    From Kit’s “The Death of Critical Thinking in the Movement, Part 1”:

    In short, your personal feelings come last. First come the facts. What do they say? What does the documentation show? Where is the proof? Who are the sources? You might find that the person in question told the whole truth — and that’s an amazing thing. You can press forward knowing you have the whole story and you’re in the clear.

    Good, solid advice for verifying information! Along with the above, there’s also gut feelings, that shouldn’t be relied upon soley, but used in combination with Kit’s advice above. I call it my “BS meter/alarm”.

  2. Pat
    Pat November 21, 2017 6:08 am

    I tend to think that true gut feelings are a part of our DNA, and are – or should be – a survival mechanism, not a part of our thinking ability. Learning and experience give us knowledge that teaches us what to stay away from, and that comes to the forefront in a confrontation with either people or words that we read. To label something “BS” is not necessarily “gut feelings,” rather it is our own assessing of the truth.
    We’re on the same page, RV – just calling it different things.

    In Kit’s comments, RustyGunner said, “The nature of this medium doesn’t help. Overall it’s a goodness thing that there are no gatekeepers, but on the negative side, there are no gatekeepers. Anyone can put whatever up on a webpage and particularly salacious gossip is soon echoed everywhere, which gives the impression of far more authority than the information warrants.”

    There once was a time (the 80s) when the “truth” mostly came from the internet – and the MSM couldn’t compete. So they came onboard to spread their “fake news.” A perfect example of a little evil compromising the good and spreading like wildfire. (Because it is patently impossible for good to compromise evil. Politicians, with their “good intentions,” have been trying that for thousands of years.)

    It’s not surprising that dogs have been in our lives for so long. The wolf, being a “lone animal,” would take a while to become so trusting and willing to work according to our rules. Leashes were/are necessary for control and not necessarily a sign of compliance. I’m sure the dog-wolf (8000 years ago) was not under control without the leash; humans learned quickly how to control it.

  3. parabarbarian
    parabarbarian November 21, 2017 6:33 am

    An 8,000 years old image of dogs on a leash comes as no surprise to me.

    There is evidence that the human-dog relationship dates back way into prehistory. At least 14.5 Kya, maybe 32 Kya and possibly as far back 45 Kya. There is an interesting hypothesis (well OK, speculation) that dogs enabled early Homo Sapiens to be better at hunting than the Neanderthals thus contributing to the latter’s eventual extinction.

  4. rochester_veteran
    rochester_veteran November 21, 2017 7:09 am

    Aw, isn’t that touching? A daughter, a mother, and a grandmother all smoke pot together.

    I have no problem with this and actually think it’s cool! When I was young, I smoked weed with my friend and his dad, who really was a cool daddio! 🙂 I have also smoked weed with my older son and his friends.

  5. MamaLiberty
    MamaLiberty November 21, 2017 8:07 am

    Except, Rochester… “smoking” is the least healthy way to take this herb. There are a lot of much better alternatives. 🙂

  6. Comrade X
    Comrade X November 21, 2017 8:09 am

    Good article by Kit!

    IMHO everyone has an agenda and everyone with an agenda creates their own propaganda to promote that agenda.

    Also IMHO those who’s agenda is the truth must question everything to even come close to finding it;

    “Question with boldness even the existence of a god; because, if there be one, he must more approve the homage of reason, than that of blindfolded fear.” Thomas Jefferson

    One other note it ain’t only LA, Seattle has been doing pretty good on the traffic jam creation for a while now and for the same reasons.

  7. MamaLiberty
    MamaLiberty November 21, 2017 8:45 am

    Aside from chocolate (and who can afford to feed the dog chocolate anyway), I think that article is pretty much bunk. My dogs have always eaten garlic and onions, sometimes quite a bit, and I’ve never had a problem with them. Two of my last dogs lived 19 years EACH, and were healthy to the end. All of my dogs also eat grapes right off the vine. They also have always eaten other fruit off the ground under the trees. They eat grass as a vegetable, not to throw up. Maybe I just have strange dogs. 🙂

    I always made soup of the turkey bones and drippings in the roaster. In some ways, it was our favorite part of the holiday food. And the long stewed bones then were just fine for the dogs. I didn’t give them the long leg bones most of the time, but that was just super caution. The big old dog, Rascal, would nearly inhale them… and I knew that wasn’t good. 🙂

    Each person knows their own pets the best, but the idea of rushing them to a vet because they got a lick or two of human food is crazy. Cats are something else, maybe, but my mother always had cats and she always fed them whatever we were eating too.

  8. Pat
    Pat November 21, 2017 11:18 am

    ML – Grapes and grape juice are among some foods that are high in oxalates causing a type of kidney stone (this type forming calcium oxalate). While urged to drink more fluids, I’ve recently been warned away from grape juice, orange juice, and grapefruit juice due to their oxalate formation. This doesn’t mean they can’t be drunk, but shouldn’t be drunk often or on a regular basis. (Regarding liquids, the best choice is still water, and apparently adding lemon and lime can aid greatly in preventing oxalate formation, which I didn’t know until recently.)

    Perhaps oxalate-formation is why dogs shouldn’t be fed grapes, but I think an occasional treat for a number of foods would probably not hurt either people or animals. And of course, there is always the individual factor which allows some people (or animals) to eat most anything without ill-effect.

  9. rochester_veteran
    rochester_veteran November 21, 2017 12:24 pm

    MamaLiberty wrote: Except, Rochester… “smoking” is the least healthy way to take this herb. There are a lot of much better alternatives. 🙂

    Agree! Edibles are better than smoking weed, it’s just that in states where recreational use of weed is illegal, ones choices are limited. In Colorado, there’s all kinds of legal options, my favorite being Highly Edible Gummies available in a dispensary near you! 😉

  10. MamaLiberty
    MamaLiberty November 21, 2017 12:30 pm

    Don’t I wish, rochester… ALL forms of “weed” are seriously “illegal” here in the otherwise free state of Wyoming. No dispensers, and no shady characters on the street corners selling it either. I’m sure there’s a way, but I don’t move in those circles. sigh Such is life.

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