I ate breakfast this morning on the screen porch. Fresh blueberries in Greek yogurt with honey from the dear Friends of the Blog at Molon Labe Apiary. (I used the honey their bees produced during last summer’s wildfires, which I hope they did end up calling Smoking Gun, per Ellendra’s suggestion.) It was only in the low 40s, but mild and pleasant. The screen porch looks out on the fern-covered hill that rises just 12 feet from the back wall. Between house and hill is a small gravel plain that will eventually be a patio. It’s a teeny, tiny view,…
22 CommentsMonth: March 2018
Second annual Frugal March begins. Last March, I set a goal of spending no more than $500 all month. A couple unexpected expenses came up, which I cheated and put on credit. But not counting those, I slid in roughly at goal. Last summer, car payments entered the picture. They’re lowish as vehicle payments go, but … ugh. Between those and almost constant construction expenses, large or small, a $500 month seems long ago, far away, and downright impossible. I’ve been blessed by angels since then, though, and gotten through both car and construction with the help of friends. Now…