- Herschel Smith to the gun confiscationists: On tactics, you go first.
- Penn State decides that a 98-year-old campus club for outdoors enthusiasts can no longer … erm, go outdoors. Seems it’s simply too dangerous.
- Did you know? Earth has just emerged from the greatest two-year cooling period of the last century.
- Did you know? A study the CDC never bothered to release confirms what Gary Kleck has been saying all these years about the enormous number of defensive firearms uses in the U.S.
- Borepatch: Never, ever use your fingerprint to unlock electronic devices. (Don’t use any other biometric “password,” either.)
- What Atlas Shrugged teaches about the insufficiency of good intentions and about denying reality.
- The Coptic Orthodox Church (mostly Egyptian) is making headway in the U.S. by keeping tradition while adapting to the culture.
- The selfie-taking monkey has lost his court case — or rather, the PITA case that PETA brought, supposedly on his behalf.
- For a mere $50,000 a night, you too can rent the world’s first underwater luxury dwelling.
- Alas, this scientific discovery about Uranus is going to lead to even worse jokes than the poor planet already suffers.
Concerning Uranus, here’s a funny/gross (depends on your POV) video segment from the 1974 movie, “The Groove Tube”:
Brown 25, Another Fine Product From Uranus
From the Coptic article: ““The Protestant circles I was in would say, ‘We are trying to be more like Jesus Christ,’” said Toni Svonavec, an elementary-school teacher in Maryland who was baptized in 2014. “But for me, that is exactly what the Coptic Church already has.””
Every church leader I’ve ever met claims to be “more like Christ” than the other churches. Most of them succeed in being more like the pharisees than like Christ.
I take it as a reminder never to confuse God with his followers. Human nature is what it is.
Ideas of Liberty start early…
The article on the Coptic Church says, “By many cultural standards, it’s a demanding faith.”
Yeah. Copts have put up with a lot. Watch one speak for herself, and the Muslim news anchor’s reaction.
As far as PeTA goes…don’t those people have anything constructive they could be doing? Staring at the wall, twiddling their thumbs, watching Oprah by the hour…all they do is make anybody who wants to treat animals better look like a raving nutcase. And how was Naruto-the-macaque supposed to collect its royalties, and in what form? What’s the exchange rate between the US dollar and tropical fruits?