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Sale at

NFI on my part, and I have never purchased from this company. But a friend alerted me that is having a storewide 15%-off sale now though 4/27.

Honeyville is a supplier of freeze-dried fruits, vegetables, meats, meat subsitutes, dairy, emergency meals, and alt-grains and flours. Some of their prices look pretty decent and their shipping is economical.

If you’ve bought their products and have any info to add about quality, service, price, or anything else, please feel free to post a comment.

(H/T MJ)


  1. Plug Nickel Outfit
    Plug Nickel Outfit April 24, 2018 2:13 pm

    I’ve been a regular customer for several years – primarily for the freeze dried fruits and the rolled grains. They offer discounts throughout the year – usually at least a couple 25% off a year – so it’s worth being on their email list to know when sales are on.

    Saw an email from them a couple weeks ago offering meat flour – still puzzling wtf I’d ever want that for…

  2. ~Qjay
    ~Qjay April 24, 2018 3:09 pm

    Meat flour? It becomes… Meat paste! Pemmican? Olive loaf? DIY spam.

    DIY jerky?
    “EZ-JERKY! Just add a splash of soy sauce, spread it on foil, and set it in the oven after dinner! EZ-JERKY!”

    I also would dry and powder liver as an iron supplement. Add it to strong flavors like peanut butter, kale smoothies, fish oil, that sort of thing. If someone is anemic and needs iron, it is an excellent source, but tastes awful, even in capsules.

  3. Debra
    Debra April 24, 2018 3:27 pm

    I have used them several times. Happy with the products and service. One shipment was lost by big brown. Called H-ville and they shipped out another the same day. The day AFTER the replacement was delivered the original order showed up. I was happy to pay for the double due to their good service (which was no fault of their own). We really like their “old folks” can opener, easy to use. 100lbs of quick oats in mylar in food grade buckets really makes you feel secure.

  4. fred
    fred April 24, 2018 6:42 pm

    Used them,we have a store.Excellent product IMO.

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