goes dark. Judge’s order. rises. With all the same downloadable and perfectly legal 3D-printable firearm plans, not subject to the restraining diktat.
What did they expect?
How many more mirrors can the grandstanding statist bastards stomp? How many more will arise?
Declan McCullagh has details.
How many torrents serve the designs? Good luck with that.
I’ve downloaded and archived the data from that site. Good to have, maybe I will post it back up in three years after they chase a hundred sites around the net. Everyone should equip themselves to do the same.
They never stopped being available on torrent sites… One could download them last week, if so inclined.
I’m Cody Wilson!
I am Cody Wilson!
Not me. I just could never successfully grow that beard. Damn.
But I’m happy to be a contributor to Cody Wilson.
Will the real Cody Wilson please stand up. 🙂
Looks like has been shut down… Damn…
I am Cody’s smirking printer…
I am Codys printer’s complete lack of surprise…
Amazon removes website.
Absolutely despicable — though unsurprising. I’m glad to see that is up again on someone else’s servers. Thanks for the word, Pat.
Mike, your comment about CodeIsFreeSpeech went into spam. I just pulled it out (belatedly).
I can confirm that FB is blocking the URL. It is more evidence they hate your rights.