- Some progress for gun owners who also use medical cannabis.
- But it’s still Reefer Madness at NASA, which will investigate SpaceX because Elon Musk smoked a joint.
- Inspiring words from the city government of Republic, Washington, after passage of the freedom-stealing Initiative 1639.
- Global warming was not a significant factor in recent California fires.
- Cuba has withdrawn its employees from Brazil’s More Doctors program, because Brazil’s new president insists they be paid properly and be allowed to have their families with them instead of held hostage back on the island. Ah, the wonders of socialism!
- Even better — communism (even in it’s new, more enterprising guise). Within two years, Beijing plans to complete implementation of its social credit system that will make life impossible for those not approved by government. You wonder how they can fail to see the disastrous consequences of this. (H/T MJR)
- Licensing dog groomers won’t help anybody.
- James Wesley, Rawles writes about going ghost and going mobile. You can tell this isn’t a piece written from personal experience, but it’s got some things to think about.
- While you’re on that Thanksgiving weekend flight, consider that air marshals have had over 200 reported oopsies with their firearms.
- Thanksgiving in Paradise — Paradise, California, that is. People are good.
- Enjoy your ill-gotten Thanksgiving, you genocidal racist, you.
- Little memes to be thankful for.
President Lincoln made it a federal holiday during the civil war because with all the grief going on, he felt we needed to sit down and give thanks for the GOOD things we had. People tend to forget that and believe it’s all about the Pilgrims. You’d think a school would know that.
Official Federal Government Thanksgiving, correct.
But humans in northern and southern climes have been celebrating harvest festivals since they invented agriculture. That’s why this year’s Canadian Thanksgiving was October 14, earlier than our November 22. It freezes earlier up north, therefore their harvest has to be earlier.
Global warming may not have been a significant factor in the fires but government planning was a factor in people’s ability to bug out:
My father-in-law was a tanker pilot for CalFire until he retired a couple years ago. He said, he and the other pilots had discussed years ago what a mess the Paradise area would be if another fire came through.
Locally, we have city politicians salivating over California grant money for “traffic calming” with an eye for changing two of our three lane streets into two lanes. Nevermind that they are tsunami evacuation routes. (The grant is being “sold” by a SF Bay area “non profit” that consults on traffic mitigation and facilitates the grant money that pays their salaries. A particularly loathsome type of tax parasite. They are teamed up with one of our local nonprofits.)
….all federal and state acts, laws, orders, rules and regulations past, present or future, in violation of the U.S. and/or State Constitutions are not authorized by the said Constitutions and violate the true meaning and intent as given by the Founders and Ratifiers and are hereby declared to be invalid…. shall be considered null and void and of no effect…
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