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Perceptions, prejudices, and stumbling ignorantly toward the revolution

This starts as one of my rambles, but trust me, it eventually develops a point.


I’m reading a book right now in which the author attempts to make an obscure subject user-friendly. She’s so committed to her attempt at popularization that she opens every chapter with an extended movie reference, usually to big-hit or cult-classic films: Captain Kirk did X; Neo did Y; Harry Potter said ABC. Then she ties that in with her subject. It’s an intriguing approach, but almost too cute, too contrived, too insultingly dumbed down.

Yet at the same time that she’s attempting to talk with readers on what she must imagine is our own level, she keeps tossing in words like “syncretistic,” “heuristic,” and “transgressive,” seemingly unaware that nobody in the real world talks like that.

But she’s a professor at one of those hoity-toity universities and has to work hard to display the common touch. Perhaps she assumes (without thinking too hard about it, of course) that the rest of us exit showings of Star Trek: The Neverending Movie Series and conclude our evenings at McDonalds discussing semiotics and intersectionality.

Still, at least she’s giving communication to the common folk the good old college try.


Funny how our backgrounds or social positions have such influences on our perceptions — and funny how we’re so often unaware they do.

In my 20s I worked briefly on a project with the daughter of one of our clients. Camilla was a terrific person and we did a little socializing while the project was under way. But she was also from some refined branch of the upper crust. One October evening a group of us met for drinks. I ordered a bloody Mary. Another companion wore a white dress.

Poor Camilla was astonished. One simply didn’t wear white after Labor Day. One would never order a bloody Mary after 5:00 p.m. In her world, these were laws handed down from On High. Such things Were Simply Not Done. Good sport that she was, she didn’t look down on us for our “transgressiveness.” Far from it. She admired our free spirits and jaunty defiance of convention. She wished she could bring herself to be so bold.

When of course we had no idea that we were doing any thing unconventional. We just lived in a world that had never heard of her rules.


Back in those days, when having a “social conscience” was a big thing, I also knew a number of people who assumed that everybody, including me, should feel guilty over the plight of the poor or the bad conduct of the establishment. Not that we should be be concerned or angry or crusading for justice (as I might have been and often was) — but that we were responsible and should feel driven to make some extreme personal sacrifice or grand heroic gesture to atone for our sins.

Whuffor? I wanted to know. I didn’t do it.

It took a while to dawn on my young self that every person making that assumption had been raised upper-middle class or above. Those were the folks who felt the need to atone for poverty by living in cold-water flats and spending their days slaving away at street missions. Those were the folks who felt the need to atone for poor nutrition by giving their family confectionary inheritance to charity and advocating strict macrobiotic diets for all. Those were the folks who attempted to atone for war by bombing university research facilities.

Not us working-class types. We might feel guilty about having illicit sex or taking $5 out of the cash drawer at work. About drinking too much or forgetting Mom’s birthday. Many of us went to churches that tried to make us feel guilty for being human.

But guilt about war and poverty and political corruption? Nope. Nosirree. We didn’t do it. On the contrary, we understood to our bones that a lot of that was done to us.


We understand it even more now that the myth of the power of the everyday American has eroded.

Yet now more than ever, the genuinely privileged look down from their grassy hills and ivy-consumed towers and — completely misunderstanding the rest of us — demand we writhe in guilt over … well, you know. Whatever. Our Privilege. Which mostly we don’t have, at least not relative to them.

Now instead of giving away their inheritances and plunging personally into acts of penance, they cluelessly expect us poor slobs to: atone for prejudices and privileges we don’t have; believe newly invented “realities” that defy biology, history, and logic; buy electric vehicles we can’t afford (or give up private transport altogether); exhaust our household budgets on their beloved “green” power; sacrifice inexpensive conveniences for the sake of the climate or some other vague cause; plug our mouths lest we utter evil free speech; subject our children to their social, racial, and sexual re-education; surrender our weapons; and placidly adopt the kind of meatless diets our malnourished, undersized, tubercular, poverty-stricken ancestors desperately tried to escape.

They, on the other hand, are immune. They may buy a Tesla or a Prius for status or virtue signaling. Ditto putting solar panels on their energy-consuming abodes. But the real sacrifice, for their desired change, is on our heads, shoulders, and backs.


Every class and culture misunderstands every other to some degree. Every class and culture carries traits and assumptions unique to themselves and may be shocked, dismayed, fascinated, thrilled, or intrigued to discover how differently some other group approaches life. That’s stating the obvious.

But the misunderstandings and prejudices don’t become a problem until one bunch decides it’s entitled to rule another.

For a while, it may work — for the ruling class, though not so well for the peasants. And here in the U.S. (and much of the rest of the western world), so far so good for them. The rising ruling class owns: academia, the news media, Silicon Valley (and with it vast and influential swaths of the the Internet), the movie industry, California, New York, Seattle, Portland, etc. etc. etc. They view themselves as right-thinking (but not, you know, right-thinking) opinion makers, natural-born leaders, trend-setters, architects of the future, and as revolutionaries disrupting the old order and creating in its place a brave new world.

But you can’t be both a revolutionary and the owner of establishment culture, can you? Try to be both and you end up an oxymoron. Or a just-plain moron, which may partially explain why the ruling left lately seems to be flopping around like a landed fish — thrashing about in panic, driven to political and intellectual frenzy by unstable emotions, often over issues that have zero relevance to We the Unwashed.

“What,” we wonder, “does all this hullabaloo have to do with our lives? With how we raise our kids? With whether we can survive our retirement — or even have a retirement? With whether we can put groceries on the table or afford a new-to-us car when our old clunker breaks down?”


As Sarah Hoyt notes with her usual directness and brilliance,

What history looks like, once aristocrats, or self proclaimed aristocrats get so out of touch is “Aristo, aristo, a la lanterne” and ça ira. I recommend to the usual leftists reading this blog for things to offend them that they study the French revolution and realize once and for all that they are not the revolutionaries. They are the stodgy, entrenched aristocrats who have all the power. They got there via selecting for the kind of cant that at this point no sane person can believe. And so they’ve achieved in 4 generations what would take a monarchy centuries of inbreeding to achieve: either total lack of ability to think, or total refusal to.

Hoyt says the real revolution is already underway. This may account for the shrill desperation of the people who currently appear to control so much. They have nothing real left to placate the peasants. In politics, even the most dumbass blue-collar drone knows that universal basic income, “free” college, “free” health care for all, and their ilk are desperate fantasies.

Sure, millions may line up to v*te for candidates or state initiatives that promise such fairytale largess. Because after all, why not? Maybe I’ll get my share before everything falls apart, I can hear some thinking. The rich are getting theirs, so why not me?

But the undercurrent is strictly about dividing the spoils and keeping those potentially dangerous peasants from becoming more “revolting” then the Twitter accounts of the elite already tell us we are.

And of course, even the peasants who don’t support the mad fantasy of free stuff for all (the peasants whose energies are directed more toward being angry over the contempt they feel pouring down on them from above) can be overruled … for a time.

Hoyt again, speaking of those who rule:

And then there is the fact they have an iron grip on vote manufacture, which means disinfecting our government might take … well… a revolution.

They’ve already lost where it counts. They’ve already lost the real culture and the “way things will be done in the future.”

What they still have, though, is the ability to make the next fifteen to 20 years very unpleasant, and, possibly, to ensure that what comes next is much, much harsher and more punitive than it would otherwise be.


On that note, I send you overto John Wilder, who lays out four ways the next American war on itself might turn out, from “total victory” (for “the Right,” which you and I might not consider victory at all), to “Operation Gulag,” a Soviet style hell.

You may not agree with his specific projections, and in his most dire scenario he runs 180 degrees counter to Hoyt’s view of the historic trend. But Wilder serves up good food for thought. And he has a way of being a hoot even when he’s talking serious business.


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  1. jed
    jed August 27, 2019 12:45 pm

    I always find Hoyt to be worth reading. I don’t always take the time — she’s very prolific. As far as the revolution having already come around, I’m reminded of this:
    Mal: Wheel never stops turning, Badger.
    Badger: That only matters to those on the rim.

    I’m also reminded of a recent quip from Instapundit:

    MSNBC Calls Republican’s Belief in Only Two Genders ‘Incendiary.’

    Well, those are the rules: First, demand a drastic change in the culture. Next, portray anyone who doesn’t go along as an aggressor.

    AKA, moving the Overton Window, which the left has been pushing on for a long while, and it’s accelerating. I don’t agree with Hoyt’s assertion that the wheel is already turning the other way. Sure, there’s pushback, but it isn’t as yet effective, in the main.

    I’m not sure about the ‘sans coulottes’ part. A good kilt is out of my price range right now, though I do see some under $100.

  2. Joel
    Joel August 27, 2019 12:47 pm

    I keep hoping all the noise is being generated by a few hundred Twitter addicts and the rest of the country is really just going on about its business and laughing at the nonsense.

    But then I see a transcript of a debate between the dozens of identically-yammering presidential candidates and my heart sinks…

  3. Comrade X
    Comrade X August 27, 2019 6:55 pm

    We all can agree things ain’t right and also that things are not getting better.

    IMHO this republic is coming to an end, to be honest it really appears as if it already has (again IMHO) what we are currently experiencing is a transition, all that it needs is something to kinda get it going like a bubble or two to pop or a nice little war, who knows, methinks also that John Wilder’s county by county scenario has a good chance to be played out as long as foreign players stay out of it.

  4. John Wilder
    John Wilder August 28, 2019 12:14 am

    Thanks for the kind words, Claire. For more fun, I really enjoyed writing the post that will show up Wednesday – it’s a bit less serious and has at least one joke made me nearly spit out beer. And I wrote it.

    But to the real point – The Mrs. was a democrat when I met her. I was a libertarian. Why?

    For the same reasons. We both loved freedom so very much. As a disc jockey, she loved amendment 1, and as a rural girl, amendment 2 as well.

    Me? I always thought you should be able to say what you thought, and yes, I was raised with a dozen firearms within a dozen paces of my room, knew how to fire them, and knew better than to touch them unless Pop was there or my life was on the line.

    The scariest realization of the last decade for me was this week. I realized there was only one way to come through the coming crisis with our freedoms intact. One. It involves a Constitutional Convention.

    For me, a lifelong supporter of the Bill of Rights (one of my ancestors, my Mormon aunt said, was Patrick Henry) the idea of an America devoid of the freedom of speech was chilling. That he said, “I smell a rat” on the first Constitutional Convention gave us more freedom than any country, ever.

    But a world where our freedoms are restricted is where we’re headed, and quickly. The First is there for a reason – it gives us guidance for every action. The Second is there to protect the First (and the others).

    I want a way out that keeps us free. The road is narrow. But I guess that’s always the way of freedom.

  5. Comrade X
    Comrade X August 28, 2019 8:06 am

    I agree on the constitutional convention the problem is a lot of “conservatives” do not due to their fear of the unknown, potential loss of the 2nd, etc. IMHO right now we are headed to a loss of the 2nd without a constitutional convention. If 3/4’s of the states legislatures would vote to end it then it is loss today anyway but I just don’t see the votes for it today however if we keep going the way we are going maybe one day.

    Some people have decided we cannot correct things through voting and a constitutional convention (CC) requires some of that however I would prefer trying one instead of the bloodshed option which all of the other options seem to have. And maybe even a CC would too, who knows, to me that would be a good place for it to start.

    But I find it funny that many of those who say they support the constitution aren’t for using the one tool in the constitution that was put there to fix things when needed.

    Good opinion piece John Wilder, enough to make me go thru your archives.

  6. Pat
    Pat August 28, 2019 8:18 am

    This article was on Fox News a couple of days ago:

    And this is their website.

    Political, yes — but challenging the ideology of socialism, not a specific political entity.

    Isn’t that what libertarians should have done years ago, instead of jusr promoting themselves or, worse, infighting? (Many libertarians became so intent on promoting their own “brand” of libertarianism — from anarchocapitalism to the LP — that they seemingly forgot who the enemy really was.)

    I don’t know if this organization will go anywhere, or lose its mission, or lose its momentum, but it has the right idea now. At election time, fighting the predominent leftist policies and ideology of the “socialist Democrats” is certainly the right time to speak out.

  7. Claire
    Claire August 28, 2019 8:19 am

    I love your work, John Wilder. And Comrade X, I respect the heck out of you.

    But if a con-con is our only hope, then we have no hope. If the orignial constitutional convention ran away and gave us the groundwork for big government, then what’s likely to happen today? Guarantees of “free stuff” forever, extend the franchise to 12-year-olds, kill (or re-educate or lock up) all the “conservatives” and libertarians, and oh BTW, just for funsies let’s make white people count as only 5/8 of a person since the nasty DWMs did that to black people way back when?

    Thank heaven real freedom is cultural and mental, not govern-mental!

  8. Claire
    Claire August 28, 2019 8:46 am

    And what if those “conservatives” gather enough support to hold sway? A national anti-abortion provision? Religious tests for public office? Mine fields along the borders?

    Are there enough people left who have a grasp of the principles of individual liberty to keep a con-con from becoming nothing more than a new way to impose factional agendas?

  9. Comrade X
    Comrade X August 28, 2019 9:30 am

    Very true Claire a CC can give us everything that is bad for sure potentially from either side that takes control. You name it and it could be voted in.

    But then again 3/4’s of the states would have to vote for every one of those crazy ideas.

    I could be wrong but I still think we have at least 25% that would stop us from jumping off the cliff if not then when do we start jumping (it does feel as if we have already) so a CC ain’t needed for that really.

    So what could a CC accomplish; balance budget, term limits, you know things that could save the republic, are those bridges too far today? IMHO a CC only gets us to where we are going at a better pace and that’s goes for good or bad. Flushing evil out and getting the fight on asap ain’t totally bad if that is where we are ultimately headed anyway.

    I kinda want it to be in my lifetime so I get to participate.

  10. Anonymous
    Anonymous August 28, 2019 10:24 pm

    Wilder writes: The scariest realization of the last decade for me was this week. I realized there was only one way to come through the coming crisis with our freedoms intact. One. It involves a Constitutional Convention.

    No, it does not involve writing new plans to infringe freedom the same old way. What it does involve is the price of quadcopters-with-weapons dropping to $50 from tech innovation. You don’t see government employees in Connecticut, California, New Jersey, or Boulder CO going door-to-door to round up the contraband guns they know are there, do you? Exactly why is that? The history of technological innovation, from the printing press to the Internet, from the hammer to the hobbyist lathe, is that overall, tech growth shifts the balance of military power towards the individual.

  11. Val E. Forge
    Val E. Forge August 29, 2019 8:34 am


    Great post. I especially liked the part about how the white working class is held responsible for every one of our nation’s past sins, real or imagined. I went to and graduated from a college in the Pacific Northwest in the early and mid 1980’s and ran into many who seemed to be blaming me in the way you spoke of. I would have pondered the question more but I was too busy living out of my car to save money for tuition and otherwise trying to figure out how to survive. I must have just not taken full advantage of my white male privilege. Silly me.

  12. Saturday Links | 357 Magnum
    Saturday Links | 357 Magnum August 31, 2019 7:27 am

    […] Claire Wolfe at Living Freedom – Perceptions, prejudices, and stumbling ignorantly toward the revolution […]

  13. R R Schoettker
    R R Schoettker September 2, 2019 1:36 pm

    I too really liked your reply Claire. I always feel a mix of sadness and amusement when I hear proposals for a convention to modify the ‘parchment barrier’. Given that the current one is routinely and near universally violated and not one phrase of it any longer effectively limits the power of the State which was the entire purpose of its fanciful creation, this effort appears like Don Quixote tilting at windmills; a frivolous distraction to avoid confronting an unpleasant reality

  14. John Wilder
    John Wilder September 2, 2019 6:47 pm

    Great comments at a uniquely thoughtful place. Thanks, all.

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