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Category: Health and Science

Monday miscellany

Liberty’s friend Stewart Rhodes gets the opening paragraph of a Newsweek article. Too darned bad it’s an article titled “Hate” and filled with all the usual MSM bigotry toward everybody who isn’t a government supremacist. They also give Stewart the closing paragraph — while quoting “words of wisdom” from Bill O’Reilly that are neither wise nor historically accurate. Guess neither Mr. O’R nor the Newsweek screed writer understand the coup the Supremes pulled in Marbury v Madison. Can’t say I like the term “sheeple.” But Philalethes is correct: this picture is worth a thousand words. Yeah, as Joel says, it’s…


Monday miscellany

A 10-year-old artist’s work is booted from an exhibition. Seems to me the reasons given for removing it are the very reasons it should have stayed. A history of the Raggedy Ann doll. Why care? Well, turns out the story involves some very contemporary-sounding issues about vaccines. Caveat: Three different sources give different accounts (others here and here). The latter is the most dramatic and so much at cross-purposes to the other two that it makes one’s head spin. Or maybe it’s just government spin. Hm. I’ve heard sociopaths sound sound just like this after being caught: trivializing the pain…


Lactobacillus acidophilus:Yeah, it’s a mouthful

I’m adding a new archive category to the blog today: Health. In the years of ObamaMed, we’re going to need to take even better care of ourselves. Those doctor appointments you’ll be forced to pre-pay for are going to be harder than ever to come by. I add a health category with trepidation. For one thing, I’m one of those lucky ones who’s been blessed with good genes and mostly inclined toward … well, at least moderately healthy habits. So I’ve been able to take health for granted. For another, there’s an excess of contradictory, sometimes bogus, sometimes self-interested health…