Back from a good — but busy and tiring — weekend. As Dave says, the Mother Earth News Fair was even bigger and better than last year. My friend and I were there only a few hours in a very full weekend. Some links and a couple of funnies for you: Part one of a four-parter on how DC cops SWATTED a vet because they thought he might have some unregistered guns. (Several people sent me this one, thank you.) The FBI and ATF bust yet another harmless but idiotically careless victim. Check out the middle name on that young…
11 CommentsCategory: Offshore
The following is from an entrepreneur friend I’ve blogged about before. What he’s going through is a direct result of FATCA. You and me? We might not think we’re rich enough to be affected by this horrible, impossible law. If we have few or no offshore assets, we might think we have nothing to worry about. But in the long run, we’re all hurt as American citizens become worldwide pariahs, as avenues of freedom are closed off, and as stupid government tricks push our commerce and technology into fear-created backwaters. Anyhow, from my friend: I’ve already whined to you about…
12 CommentsOffshore types are always advising us USians to get a second passport as a precaution against tyranny. I sympathize with this. As I’ve said before, if I were rich, I’d definitely have an offshore hidey-hole lined up, with all the real estate, bank accounts, and tricks of citizenship that that entails. But of course, that’s just the problem. Nearly all advice from the “get out while you can” crowd is directed at people who consider $500,000 to be spare change, not people who consider $500,000 to be some incomprehensible figure that can’t be totaled using any reasonable number of fingers…
13 CommentsI have to admit it; if I were rich I’d have left the U.S. by now. Or I’d at least have prepared a nice little offshore getaway — a vacation place that would be there when the day came that it was really, really, indubitably time to escape. I’m not a rich person. You’re probably not, either. Still, we Americans are living in a country whose government (not our government, but some strange occupation force, some junta that seized power when good people and fools alike weren’t watching) has declared its authority either to assassinate us at will or “disappear”…