- Will the arrest of Tommy Robinson and the attempt to silence news of him be Britain’s tipping point? Or has their spinelessness reached amoebic proportions?
- ZenScreen. Because we need devices to control our use of devices.
- On the same subject, I don’t buy the analogies or the analysis, but I agree we’ve got a problem.
- In yet another of those mostly behind-the-scenes successes, Trump is making it easier to fire federal employees. (Long overdue!)
- Is there any excuse cops won’t use to invade and ransack someone’s vehicle?
- It was a very bad day in Pompeii.
- No, dog show judges aren’t sexually molesting male dogs. Sigh. The stupid is getting so thick.
- Innovative (and amusing) ways to deal with unwelcome and intrusive thoughts.
God told (yet another) televangelist that he needs a new jet plane. His fourth in this case. Jesse Duplantis and God apparently had quite an extensive discussion and decided Duplantis’ supporters should cover the $54 million. ‘Cause heaven forbid a man of God should have to deal with messy personal prayer requests (and demons!) on commercial flights.
Me? I just think it would be extremely cool to crack $6k before the fundraiser ends tomorrow evening. Possible? Dunno. I’m thrilled with where things stand. Beyond this, I don’t even need a paper airplane to do the work you want from me..
Intrusive thoughts: Some of those are amusing, but the folks with impulses to crash the car or deep fry their hands need something other than pretending it’s merely someone else telling them to do violent or self-destructive things. Some of those folks sound schizophrenic, and self-treating with multiple personality disorder seems unwise.
UK: They’re done for. Let ’em essentially ban guns, let ’em ban self defense, and no one has slappped their pols upside the head for suggesting that no one needs more than a 5 inch kitchen knife with the point filed off.
“the folks with impulses to crash the car or deep fry their hands need something other than pretending it’s merely someone else telling them”
If the thoughts are persistant, obsessive, and the person might actually act on them, I agree. And I did think some of the people in that piece sounded strange. OTOH, perfectly sane people can have all kinds of weird passing thoughts & that’s how I took most of those.
The UK thing is just another example of how the people who live there are like the frog in a pot with the heat turned on.
This is another reason why I will never vacation there. Every year my wife and I go through the same ritual in deciding where to vacation. Every year my wife suggests the UK and every year I patiently explain why that’s a bad idea. While I would love to visit the UK, (especially Scotland for the Whiskey road) the very thought of being watched as they are, of being jailed for self defense as they are, and now jail if one speaks out… no thank you.
Da Bones wishes he had testicles to grab!
Doggie Groping: Article is spot on with regards to the ridiculousness of the perpetually outraged, right up until the part where (IMHO) they gloss over the fact that it’s a kids’ movie, that small children are going to identify with the dogs more than the adults, and the the behavior being described really *IS* the grooming behavior of a sexual predator. I find it a little worrying that nobody thought “hey, this might look really bad,” instead bringing the thing to the big screen erm…”intact” 😉 …at a time when we’ve got actual Hollywood sexual predators finally being called out in “legitimate news sources” over going after little kids.
Invading & Ransacking: The update paints it in a more reasonable light. Not a *reasonable* light, but almost sorta kinda reasonable that you’d inventory what’s in a car before you (effectively) temporarily steal it. An item I saw elsewhere and found interesting, but saw among the other links in the sidebar on TFTP: https://thefreethoughtproject.com/viral-photo-of-caged-migrant-kids-shows-americans-accept-evil-as-long-as-its-their-partys-evil/
Intrusive Thoughts: Entertaining, and a potentially good way to re-wire responses to self-doubt and minor depressive thoughts. I wonder what effect it might have on the non-suicidal, dissonance-spurred urge to jump? (https://www.medicaldaily.com/high-place-phenomeon-suicide-ideation-cognitive-dissonance-378029)
Thank you to MI and DT who’ve donated in the last 24 hours!
DT makes the total an even $5,450. Whoohoo!
Re: dog shows judges. Back in the days of BOY Scouts, the physical exam was part of the ritual of entering summer camp. The doctor spent 2 or 3 minutes with each boy to make sure there was nothing limiting participation in the more physical activities. Checking for hernias and that adolescent male’s testicles had fully descended was part of the exam. This produced some giggles and tall tales around the campfires. Today it would probably result in charges. Sigh.
Oh man. JB, who already donated generously, just jumped the “temperature” to $5,700!
This morning when I mentioned the possibility of cracking $6k on this fundraiser, I didn’t really believe it. Now? I believe!
(“Official” thank yous are still going into the May 1 fundraiser announcement, to be followed shortly by personal thanks.)
May 31. Final day of the fundraiser. Brand new donor MS begins it better than an alarm clock. 🙂 Current total $5,800!
Way back, I hired a few people. Two places. I didn’t drug test. Come find some of the really best where breaking little intrusive rules of someone else. But not mine. If I ever hired again it would be about passion and capacity to make the ship sail. Don’t much care what others use as test for their people. Their rules, not mine.