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Month: November 2013

Gettysburg Balderdash. Yeah.

When I disagree with some aggrandizing fuss being made over some political celebrity, cause, event, or anniversary, I tend to keep my mouth shut. When I do open my yap to point out what I think should be obvious, it sometimes raises a stink. So mostly it seems to be time wasted to pipe up to say, “Hey, but …” when the whole propagandized nation is waving flags, worshipping tyrants, or indulging in an uncritical emotional frenzy. Thus I kept my mouth shut earlier this week as the media went into one of its periodic Honest Abe panegyrics re the…


Thursday links

‘Nother reason to eat a nuts-n-berries diet. Or at least nuts, anyhow. Beaver steals gun. Chortle. One more v*te for shutting down Obamacare. This one from cybersecurity mavens. In the meantime, assuming you can buy insurance at all, maybe you can get it for free! It seems that the U.S. is developing a kind of ideal income level where you can a) live reasonably well while b) maximizing your tax-provided benefits. Millions more will surely aim for this welfare-state version of “success.” Cockapoo nation! But some proud traditionalists will not go happily into that EZ future. Anybody could have predicted…


Latest links

Snooping in Seattle … in the name of providing a “service.” Has the quality of social workers always been this dismal? Fear of terrorism makes people stupid. Sure, we knew that. But check out that stat about the odds of being killed by a terrorist vs a cop! What’s it like being a geek in prison? More and more Americans need to know. Looks as if Catching Fire is going to be as good as the first Hunger Games movie. Interesting, too, how this reviewer automatically uses terms making parallels with today’s USA. From comments: Reader A.G. offers up a…


A contemplative day

Today I promised myself a contemplative day. The last few weeks have again been chaotic and stressful. That should have been over last Friday, but instead Saturday and Sunday became more stressful. Again, we’re not talking any big deal. Just the stress of life plunging onward in what’s actually quite a nice way. But anyhow, I promised myself a no-stress Monday. A contemplative day begins with either not turning on the computer at all or using it for wake up and morning chores, then closing it down. But it’s more than that. It’s turning off the phone and being glad…


Weekend links

The fourth shock wave of ObamaCare is about to strike And even Obama’s hometown paper says, “Stop digging, start over.” The Dallas Buyers Club is in my Netflix queue for sure. From everything I’ve read or heard, it’s a spectacular indictment of big government (specifically the death-dealing FDA) and a celebration of Outlaw entrepreneurism. That it stars Matthew McConaughey is merely a plus. Another long-time outdoors writer and sportsman who’s shocked to learn that laws passed against eeeeeeevvil gun owners also — oops! — apply to him. (H/T to LA) “Can’t we all just get along?” “Well, ah, no.” Mike…


Three awesome videos

For your weekend viewing pleasure. Whoof! This would be amazing even it weren’t being performed by a 53-year-old movie star. It’s oddly beautiful, besides. Wind-powered monsters. You’d swear they were alive. (More here) And finally Naked Dancing Swedes. You’ll have to click on the link to watch it. YouTube has this locked away behind an “adults only” login. So I can’t embed it and am sending you to an alternative (non-locked) site. And yeah … it’s kinda R-rated. But funny.


Christmas shopping, III: maple-bacon stuff (just for giggles)

Okay, here’s a bonus set of Amazon holiday links, just because I find this weirdly funny. Since going (um … mostly) primal, I’ve developed a jones for maple-cured bacon. This being a pricey item at the local grocer, I checked to see what Amazon had. I laughed to discover how many maple-bacon products there are. Very few of them involving any actual bacon. Then during my seashore excursion last week, I delved into bins of salt-water taffy (you see what I mean about “mostly” primal). Amidst the traditional flavors, there it was: maple-bacon taffy. Curious, but with an inward eeeeeew,…


And a footnote to consider

Speaking of matters governmental that seem laughable from a distance but are hellish portents: here’s the latest from that bastion of central planning, Venezuela. Yes, it’s a joke to think about soldiers being sent to force retailers to sell only at what some pol or ‘crat thinks is the “fair price.” But not so funny a joke, eh? And how familiar is this? The problems that Maduro says he is trying to combat – price speculation, hoarding of goods by manufacturers and distributors, abuse of Venezuela’s currency system, contraband flowing into neighboring Colombia – all exist, Venezuelan political analyst Luis…