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Month: May 2018

It’s Bitcoin Pizza Day

As if we didn’t already have enough holidays, today, May 22, is Bitcoin Pizza Day. On this day in 2010, Florida programmer Laszlo Hanyecz made the first-ever purchase using bitcoin. He ordered two Papa John’s pizzas (worth about $25) and paid for them with 10,000 bitcoins. They’ve long since become the most valuable pizzas in history. In today’s bitcoinage, Hanyecz paid approximately $83,000,000 for his dinner. I hope he at least got extra pepperoni.


Wouldya look at that?

Check the thermometer, over there in the sidebar, dear people. Scroll down. Admire your own handiwork. After a grand beginning, then several weeks of fits and starts … you sent the temperature soaring. We are 2/3 of the way through the fundraiser today and exceeding expectations. Total as of this morning: $3,978 Number of donors: 39 — which includes one who donated three times and two who donated twice Largest donation: $685 — not counting the matching donor who’ll step in at the end of the event Average donation: $102 Smallest donation: 23,497 satoshis — which is 0.00023497 of a…


The Authentic Life, part III

Bet you thought I’d forgotten, eh? —– So. In part I we established that an Authentic Life is very much in the eye of the beholder. Sure, it often involves getting back to basics, being more self-sufficient, or living according to our highest values; but your authenticity isn’t mine and vice versa. In part II we established that although knowing ourselves is vital to the Authentic Life, self-knowing is a lifelong trial-and-error process. And the Authentic Life requires both compromise and refusal to compromise. We also established that some of the more rough-tough readers of Living Freedom consider the whole…


Bread upon the waters

Yesterday Tom Knapp made a donation, forgetting he’d already given at the beginning of the fundraiser. Knowing he and Rational Review are supported by donations themselves, I was about to refund the duplicate when he emailed to say not to. He’d just opened an envelope and found many times that. He wrote in comments: I know some people here are not religious/mystical, and really don’t consider myself ESPECIALLY so. But I do believe in karma and the whole “cast your bread on the waters and it will return to you” thing. I’m one of those non-religious/mystical types. But Tom inspired…


Why are you donating — or not donating?

I’ve gotta just come right out and say it. The fundraiser had a boffo, whopping, wonderful, encouraging first three days. Since then … it’s had a few great moments. Individual donations have been unusually generous and for that, I bless you. But broad support is nil, even though readership is as strong as ever. Of the last nine days, eight seven have brought in $0 — zero, nada, nothing (fortunately, one active day raised $316 in three generous donations, but that’s still not sufficient to sustain progress). We’ve stalled. This is unusual. I’ve only had two other fundraisers, but they’ve…


Book review: How You Got Screwed

How You Got Screwed: What Big Banks, Big Government, and Big Business Don’t Want You to Know — and What You Can Do About It
By Allen Marshall
Skyhorse Publishing, May 1, 2018
Paperback list price: $12.99, current Amazon price: $9.20
Kindle price: $7.80


Do you have friends, relatives, neighbors, or co-workers who are just waking up, shaking their heads, and asking, “WTF happened?”

This is the book for them. This may be the book for you to buy by the dozen to give to them. That’s especially true if they’re Millennials or in the younger cohort of Gen-X.