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Month: December 2018

First three days, then two weeks, now six months?

Preps, I mean. Recommended by the fedgov. Six-months of personal preparedness is an extrapolation, not an actual stated recommendation, but read on. Via Shel comes news of a recent report (PDF) from the President’s National Infrastructure Advisory Council and the Department of (Achtung!) Homeland Security. I haven’t read the full report yet. I’ve skimmed it and run several searches for relevant terms. I’m certainly going to read the rest. The introduction at (which is slightly misleading) begins: In a new report from the President’s National Infrastructure Advisory Council and published by the Department of Homeland Security, the government is…


Sunday links

  • That FBI agent who was just a dancin’ and a backflippin’ and a shootin’ in a bar … gets probation. Figures, dunnit?
  • Independent booksellers are making a comeback, while ebook sales slip. Yes, it’s nice to hold a physical book in your hands and to shop in an intimate little book store.
  • Never owned a bump stock? Think the new fiat against them is no big deal? Here’s why it’s a very damned big deal for all owners of semiauto firearms. 6 Comments
  • Decadent holiday recipes

    The first two recipes are for you if your version of holiday decadence involves Demon Liquor.

    The third recipe is if your preference is for Demon Weed.

    The fourth recipe (a familiar dish to longtime blog readers) merely involves Demon Calories, forbidden white foods, and fats.

    And BTW, these aren’t just girlie recipes. They’re for anybody — although in the first three cases, I’d have to amend that to “anybody over 21.”

    Here goes …

    1 Comment

    More Merry Christmas to Ava and me

    Today was another very Merry pre-Christmas. Gourmet Gethsemani Abbey goodies from S&K and — another! — big check from RW, who already sent one earlier this month. RW’s earlier check was for me. This one? Well, Ava would give a big thanks if she knew, because this one’s to put toward her medical care and treats. Great timing, too. Furrydoc and I were just talking on Wednesday about another test that would better pinpoint the degree of Ava’s kidney malfunction. Guess what? The check and the cost of the test are about equal. So a big WOOF to you, RW.…



    Today light returns. It’s about darned time. But, sez John Wilder in his inimitably irreverent way, it’s not the solstice we’re really celebrating. It’s the cold months to come, because they make us stronger. Christmas? I’m a fan. But the 21st is also notable because it’s the (traditional) feast time of the northern peoples of the world, and you can see multiple cultures built physical devices to track the solstice, places like Newgrange in Ireland, Stonehenge in England and the High Bank Works at Chillicothe in North America. And, my house. … But the solstice doesn’t represent the coldest part…


    Thursday-Friday links

  • You’ve prolly heard about that Der Spiegel reporter who turned out to be the Jayson Blair of Germany. Well, here’s the real All-American story that finally tripped him up when he made it up. You messed with the wrong small town, pal.
  • The NRA expresses disappointment (not really) with their historic role in making the bump-stock ban possible (Satire by Bear.)
  • Anti-gunners are always saying that 90% of Americans want this or that that’s on their agenda. Yet another survey hints perhaps they’d better think again. 10 Comments
  • Five day sale on Basics of Resistance kindle edition

    Starting Thursday, December 20, and ending Christmas Day, the kindle edition of Basics of Resistance will be on sale. It starts at $0.99 and gradually works its way back to its normal $3.99, so the earlier you grab a copy, the better. Kit Perez, who manages the book’s Amazon account, also tried to put the paperback on sale, but Amazon wasn’t having it. Sorry. But Merry Christmas, kindlefolk.