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Month: December 2018

A national &^%$#@!ing day of mourning???

Maybe you knew all about this, since Trump issued the proclamation last Saturday. But none of my newsfeeds informed me. Only when I stopped at the post office a few minutes ago did I get the memo. They’re going to be closed tomorrow (in the midst of the Christmas mailing crunch) and they ask us all to join them in a day of mourning for Bush the First. Yeah, I’ll just bet those employees who get a surprise day off with pay will spend all day keening in grief and wearing sackcloth and ashes. Suuuure they will. Looks like this…


Tuesday links

It’s a good idea to record the serial numbers of your guns in case they’re stolen. One cop shop thinks it’s a good idea for you to store that number in their database. Hahaha. How very droll. (Via Codrea) Before Marriott let 500 million guests’ records slip away, they had a string of other breaches. Their cyber-security team was even hit with malware. They say no man is a hero to his valet. The same probably holds true with presidents and their Secret Service agents. Bush the First may have been a typically awful leader, but you never hear a…


Weekend’s holiday entertainment

Neighbor J and I trekked to tree-lighting festivities at a coastal port. It was kind of a boring ceremony. Very small-town and mostly for the locals, which we weren’t. But the moment the tree lit up and the fireworks went off was pretty spectacular. I mentioned coastal port specifically, because that “tree” is no tree at all. It’s an artful heap of crab traps, aka crab pots. Decorated with floats, one from each boat in the local fleet. The ceremony may not exactly have been what you’d call impressive (the high school choir that led the caroling — including “Deck…

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A pair of weekend longreads

Last week I had a couple email exchanges with Alex of, a fellow freedomista who pointed me toward his company’s Resistance Library. First, he sent me a link for “Venezuela and the Paradox of Plenty: A Cautionary Tale About Oil, Envy, and Demagogues.” This is a comprehensive article written by a alumnus. Then he directed me toward “Weapons of War On Our Streets: A Guide to the Militarization of Police.” I confess my initial reaction to the second piece was, “Readers of my blog don’t need that one. They already know all there is to know on the…