The new Price of Liberty blog. (Added to the blogroll, also.) From The Oatmeal: “My dog, the paradox.” (H/T CB) Tree is down (safely, but not without a little “adventure”), deadlines ALLLLLLL met. I’m off to the beach for the day.
6 CommentsCategory: Blogs
Other people’s cool blogs
Since joining Twitter (which, seriously, does have some uses) I’ve been following a new-but-prolific blog The Tireless Agorist. I’ve just added it to the Living Freedom blogroll under two categories. I’d have done this in any case because “Agorist Don” writes himself one good blog. But it doesn’t hurt at all that today’s entry is about Hardyville.
1 CommentLast year, when things were looking a bit down for me, a friend suggested that I start a “101 Things” Twitter account, mostly to post useful liberty info & thoughts. It was a brilliant idea. I mean, other than the fact that hermits and social media don’t go well together. And other than the fact that I can barely even write my name in fewer than 140 characters. Toward the end of the year, I bit the bullet and set up a Twitter account. Two of them, actually. But when one of them attracted a “follower” within 12 hours, I…
33 CommentsTalk about SHTF! Here’s the blog of somebody who survived a solid year of you-know-what impacting the rotary airfoil. He now teaches others. His English isn’t perfect. Never mind that. (Tip o’ hat to A.) —– And you’ve probably heard about this incredibly lucky young lady rescued from her car in the Arizona highlands after nine days stranded in snow. This article doesn’t say it, but she was apparently on an extended road trip, wandering around with no destination and nobody knowing where she was. In December. A mile above sea level. With snowstorms forecast. With a dead cellphone. With…
13 CommentsFascinating scientific detective work reconstructing the DNA of the black plague. Fascinating, too, how even something as horrible as plague can ultimately change the world for the better. See? We told you never to talk to cops. Oooh. This is gonna be good. “A tale of suspense, pyromania and sexual tension, coming to an Amazon near you!” J.D. Tuccille can write like nobody’s business. He’s even entertaining when he’s just blogging about being a dad. I’m gettin’ my hands on a review copy ASAP! Bill St. Clair on respecting intellectual property without government. Is it a good sign or a…
9 CommentsThe Bad Attitude Guide to Good Citizenship just got the kind of review authors dream about. Thank you, Frank DuBois! And thank JF and the good people at Paladin for pointing that out while I was keeping my mouth shut last week. I must also note that this is probably the first time I’ve ever been mentioned (favorably, at least) by a former Secretary of Anything. He’s got a good blog, too. Very prolific and worth checking out, especially for Westerners and people interested in the kind of land/water/leave-me-alone issues so prominent in the West. Also: The Bad Attitude Guide…
8 CommentsIf you scroll down and look to the right just below the archives, you’ll see a “real” blogroll. Until now, there’s been only a redundant set of links to other BHM blogs that Oliver put in that spot. My blogroll isn’t strictly a blogroll because not everything on it is a blog. What I’m aiming to do over time is list the top two to 10 sites, blog or otherwise, in some of the most important liberty categories. This is just a beginning. While a blogroll is no big deal, I know (like a certain something else, everybody has one),…
11 CommentsThere’s a new blog in town. Or rather, about as far out of town as it can get. In any case, it’s a charmer for everybody who’s interested in things like off-grid technology, permaculture, DIY homebuilding, and independent living in general. It’s The Independent Spirit. TIS is the work of three people you sort of know if you regularly visit Living Freedom: Joel of The Ultimate Answer to Kings, Ian, and Debra. The latter two you may have seen as “M.” and “landlady” on Joel’s blog. I suspect The Independent Spirit blog was born from the clamor of Get Rich…
7 CommentsFew days ago, for reasons that escape me, I got curious about the fate of Laissez Faire City. If you’ve been around a while you might remember LFC as a hopeful and apparently well-funded effort to build a libertarian community in Costa Rica. That is, a hopeful, well-funded, and unfortunately badly “mis-mangled” project that died aborning. Wanting to see if there were any shreds of it remaining, I googled it startpaged it duckduckgoed it and found, sadly though not surprisingly, that it has disappeared without a ripple. The ‘Net that Never Forgets has forgotten it. Even its Wikipedia entry simply…
15 CommentsExcellent idea from Top of the Chain via Borepatch: a BUYcott to support Travis Corcoran, aka TJIC. Top of the Chain sez: Massachussetts has arbitrarily decided that the writer of a blog, in exercising his First Amendment right to infringe on his Second Amendment right by disarming him. Travis is going to need money for the legal bills that are sure to follow. He runs an online comic book store. There are already comic book artists that are speaking out against him. What sweet irony would it be to buy something from Travis to help him make a living, that…