Category: Cannabis legalization
Some progress for gun owners who also use medical cannabis. But it’s still Reefer Madness at NASA, which will investigate SpaceX because Elon Musk smoked a joint. Inspiring words from the city government of Republic, Washington, after passage of the freedom-stealing Initiative 1639. Global warming was not a significant factor in recent California fires. Cuba has withdrawn its employees from Brazil’s More Doctors program, because Brazil’s new president insists they be paid properly and be allowed to have their families with them instead of held hostage back on the island. Ah, the wonders of socialism! Even better — communism (even…
5 CommentsWhat Joel (and Leslie Fish) wrote was sadly moving, and we can know that willfully naive souls will repeat the same fatal mistakes, world without end, amen. But thank G-d, some in the American Jewish community are awakening and taking up arms in defense of themselves and their faith. Sigh. Dutch police decrypt hundreds of thousands of messages from IronChat, a supposedly rock-solid, end-to-end encrypted messaging app praised by Edward Snowden. Six questions about the sloppy and insecure CIA communications that got 70 U.S. spies killed. Meanwhile, as Sharyl Attkisson notes, the Central Lack-of-Intelligence Agency deepens its spying on everybody…