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Month: February 2016

What’s your goal in the 2016 presidential election?

Maybe you have some candidate you’re passionate to support. Or maybe your sole goal this election season is merely to (somehow, against all odds) remain sane until November. Or you simply want to minimize your exposure to the endless media noise. I don’t know. But even if you try to tune out electoral politics, I suspect there’s still something you want out of this election above all else. For me (I just realized), my main interest in watching this circus is to see Hillary Clinton take a well-deserved fall from the high-wire of “inevitability.” When she tumbled in 2008, the…


Wednesday links

You and I both know there are a lot of reasons not to vote for Bernie Sanders. But it never occurred to me that fear of burning in hell was one of them. More madness in gender feminism? Or just desperation in Hillaryland? And speaking of madness, if you have to fight and maneuver to keep people from seeing babies in ultrasound images, you’re really not too secure in your pro-choice beliefs, are you? Gutsy wife crashes her own funeral, shocking the heck out of the “grieving” husband who’d paid to have her murdered. A new look at the State…


So far, so good

I finally finished a good first draft of that cannabis article and got it sent off to 10 people so they could check the parts about them and offer corrections on anything else they spot. Already heard back from three. Not a single change requested or goof noted. That’s unusual. It won’t hold for all 10, but very nice start. The interviewees range from a police chief to a couple whose medical dispensary was destroyed by the DEA. And here they are, all in harmony, even as they come from such different perspectives. I simply can’t stress enough what a…


Monday links

They don’t have a government right now and they’re unhappy about it. (H/T MJR) No matter how outlandish the halftime shows get they’ve been worse. A lot worse. The pick-up truck era of warfare. This guy does a number on telemarketers. Oh yes, definitely be on the lookout for scary anti-government types. As if the cone of shame weren’t bad enough already. (H/T GL)


Friday links

Big court victory for the Second Amendment this week. Like all court victories, flawed. But still big. Why antigunners own stocks in gun and ammo companies. I wasn’t sure they’d ever do it: The Free State Project now has the 20,000 pledgers it said it needed for critical political mass. I wonder whether they’ve checked to see if all those pledges are current and good. I know I withdrew mine around the time they started the move prematurely. The FSP is an intriguing effort that’s made waves. More power to it and all its people. How well they can stand…


In the “don’t try this at home” department

This is refreshing in this day and age: The joy of blowing up your lab partner. And … U.S. Capitol cops have to abandon their shooting range after “safety” improvements caused unsafe conditions. (And what’s that about getting a little nick at the corner of your eye, fella? Not wearing your goggles, were you???) (H/T Jim Bovard)


Report from the writer battles

Sometimes I’m not sure which is harder: writer’s block or that rare and supposedly wondrous state of flow, where words fly from the end of your fingers without conscious input from your mind, where things like eating, getting dressed, and taking the dogs for a walk either get forgotten or force themselves upon your attention like the unforgivable person from Porlock.

I used to live for the flow state. Now it exhausts me. Definitely more exhilarating and productive than writer’s block, though.