Parishioners ensure that three counts of attempted murder didn’t become something much worse. Would love to know more details about how this guy hid out in plain sight. Man vandalizes own truck for money, blames Black Lives Matter. No comment. L.A. freelancers. In an … um, interesting tax situation. Ahhhh, free enterprise. In Pakistan, it seems, you can rent yourself a mob from people who specialize in this “valuable public service.” And this! Spy-agency contractor will pay $1 million for an iPhone hack. Some of us predicted this way back in the 90s: sensors in drugs that can report to…
12 CommentsMonth: September 2015
There’s a crew out today, dealing with brush and noxious weeds on my property across the street. Two of the people, a man and his daughter-in-law, have done work for me before and I like them very much, especially her. And I trust them. But he’s in the process of handing their business off to her and she’s brought in third relative, a man in his 50s. The new guy’s been here twice and every time he’s around, I’ve got this prickly feeling. First time, he was here only 20 minutes and by the time he left I had the…
40 CommentsSome climate scientists want those who disagree with them to be charged with treason. The latest bunch isn’t so hysterical in its desire to suppress opposition. They merely want the RICO statutes levied against those who don’t share their opinions. Somebody should tell them this isn’t how science “settles” questions. Bovard has an article in Barrons on how the Nazgul discarded existing rights while proclaiming new ones. Cane-weilding “pacifist” homeowner gets gun from intruder and kills him dead. Fascinating. Why Holocaust denial exists and why Jews are guilty of it, too. (H/T E.A.) Yes, you and I know most of…
5 CommentsOver at TZP, we’re introducing a new feature: weekly polls. Please take the poll and leave a comment telling us how the polling process worked (or didn’t work) for you. Thanks!
3 CommentsThe following is a guest post by my old friend Sandy. He hosted me graciously during part of my 2010 trip to Panama, where he still lives. He’s now looking for supporters to join him in a new venture, writing about a lesser-known form of prepping and escape from tyranny. —– The World’s First Preppers and How to Join Them by Sandy Sandfort Some anthropologists say that Man’s creation and use of boats date back 45,000 years ago into the Stone Age. Then and ever since then, humans in boats have had to be preppers. Whether you are crossing the…
11 CommentsPilot diverts an international flight to save a dog traveling in cargo. (Yeah, I’ll bet that made some passengers mad, but …) The busybodies and their puppets in poly-ticks who hope to control all human behavior (including human ingenuity), really ought to have another think: prisoner nearly escapes using toothpaste and thread. Director of the Nobel Institute at the time President Unicorn got his peace prize regrets the award. Speaking of Obama, he’s just signed an executive order essentially allowing fedgov agencies to perform social “science” research on us all. Naturally, the evil father of “libertarian paternalism (spit!),” Cass Sunstein,…
29 Comments“Elite” SWAT cops petulently destroy their own office. So what do you suppose this guy was ticketed for? I’m not sure which is more remarkable: that three-year-olds are now getting type II diabetes or that this one recovered with sensible lifestyle changes. Your government at work — threatening, bombing, shooting, and otherwise terrorizing its unwanted neighbors. (Via Shel in comments) Here’s a new thought (and a longish article on it): what if all those creeps who are aggregating and selling our personal data are a national-security threat? (Everything else is, so why not them?) Americans (particularly those of means) continue…
13 CommentsIf you’re a geeky kid who likes inventing electronic gadgets your name better not be Ahmed Mohamed. Poor kid. That’ll teach him to want to be a maker instead of a destroyer. (UPDATE: Looks as if Ahmed might come out of this in good shape, though.) I love it! And A.G. was so right when he asked in comments, “How did this ever make it into the New Yorker?” (Speaking of coming-of-age novels, as we were) “The Politically Correct Lord of the Flies.” Ulp. I always thought snakes in toilets was a myth. Damn! The world is ending. Again. This…
15 CommentsPat sent me a list of 11 classic coming-of-age novels. I’ve read 7 of the 11 (only saw the movie of another); Pat can account for 7-1/2. The ones I’m familiar with are great books everybody will probably encounter at some time, and some may (at the right moment) even be life-changing, as the article claims. But I also noticed the whole list is from another age. Where’s The Giver? And The Chocolate War? And The Hunger Games trilogy? Not to mention quite a few others, both modern and classic. For that matter, what constitutes a coming-of-age novel? I never…