Dead birds got me thinking about survivalism and situational awareness. Among other tchotchkes and geegaws the sellers of my new-old house left were a number of cutsy birdhouses in the backyard. I was going to pull them all down. But before I got to it, anonymous-looking brown birds moved into one, did what birdies do in the spring, and produced babies. I don’t know a lot about birds, but I’m guessing this pair has used this nest box before. I can’t imagine that they’d otherwise choose it — given that it’s smack in the middle of a small yard that’s…
16 CommentsMonth: May 2011
I’m with Judy. Let’s start a new species. The old one is downright embarrassing. I don’t know how many followers (and that’s a perfect term for them) got caught up in Harold Camping’s latest addition to the world’s many no-show doomsdays. But every one of them willingly surrendered the main attribute of being human — the ability to think. Painful though it was to watch Camping drone Robert Fitzpatrick get grilled by gloaters in Times Square, it was no more than he could have expected. (At least, unlike Camping, he had the guts to show his face in public after…
14 CommentsOkay. Today’s the Big Day. Either you’re going to be swept up into heaven, leaving your clothes behind, or you’re likely to be injured in that big earthquake that’s going to rock the earth so hard it’ll toss bodies out of their graves and you’ll end up needing medical treatment. So, either way, remember what your mother told you: Clean underwear! Actually, the Big Day was scheduled to start last night, U.S. time, thanks to the International Date Line — with the big earthquake and the Rapturing taking place on a rolling basis around the globe. So you’ll know by…
7 CommentsI can now confirm that the rumors are true. The rumors aren’t as exciting as the ones about Arnold Schwarzenegger’s love child or even the ones about Botox Mom. But they are true. I’ll be with the Backwoods Home gang at the Mother Earth News Fair in Puyallup, Washington, on the weekend of June 4 & 5. I’ll be there signing copies of Hardyville Tales and (if the Duffys permit) taking orders for any and all of my books from other publishers. (I can also take advance orders and hand your autographed copies to you at the fair.) The event…
10 CommentsI haven’t written about the Mark Fiorino story. You’ve probably heard about it elsewhere. Innocent man obeying the law is confronted by ignorant and brutal cops who threaten repeatedly to kill him. He remains polite in the face of horrific provocation and thuggery — and audio-records the encounter (as recommended by The cops eventually have to admit Fiorino wasn’t breaking the law and let him go. Later, after considering how the “protect and serve” gang treated him, he posts the recordings to YouTube — at which point Philadelphia D.A. R. Seth Williams charges Fiorino with several of the standard,…
16 Comments… about the collapse of the economy. The 50 things aren’t really news to people who’ve been watching closely. But the article is sharp and it’s fascinating that bits of libertariana and free-market economics are sneaking in to relatively mainstream econ stats, these days. Take fact #16, for instance — inflation as measured from 1970 to the present and 1913 to the present. A lot of readers might think nothing of the use of 1913 as a base year for counting inflation. Wouldn’t notice, wouldn’t question. But you and I know why that year matters. And what if a few…
4 CommentsFangirls (and fanboys) were concerned when the very blonde Jennifer Lawrence was cast as the olive-skinned, dark-haired, vaguely ethnic Katniss Everdeen in the upcoming Hunger Games movie. Looks like no problem. The first photo is out — and that’s Katniss as any reader might envision her. Lawrence has the acting chops and the heart to carry the role, too. I can’t wait to see this very freedomista movie (and sequels) made from the very freedomista Hunger Games trilogy. Sorry about the “lite” posting. I’m mulling not one but two “heavy” topics and might not have tons to say until they’re…
11 CommentsS.W.A.T. magazine (which I so mind-bogglingly write for) now has a digital edition — as well as a jazzy new look to its website. I hear that an online store is also on the way. The digital edition includes only selected articles. But the setup is very nice and publisher Rich Lucibella (who himself uses an “alternative” browser and operating system) has laid down the law to his techies that everything must be cross-platform compatible. Good for Rich. (Oh, how often we non-Microsofties get a front-row seat in the theater of terrible web design! It’s amazing how many companies apparently…
6 CommentsAaron Zelman’s name came up this weekend when two important gunfolk learned for the first time that he was dead. I thought they already knew. Even though Aaron had longstanding health problems, he was such a force of nature and such a creative soul it’s hard to realize even now, six months later, that he’s gone. But JPFO is roaring on in his spirit. I dropped by the their website last night and had a look around. Among other things, I revisited a few articles Aaron and I wrote together during our seven year collaboration. I thought you might enjoy…
3 CommentsOne small step for human decency and the fourth amendment. Love the second comment: “Here’s something to think about; a bill needed to be passed to prohibit a gov’t employee from touching your or your families (sic) ‘anus, sexual organ, buttocks, or breast.’ Really? REALLY?” But don’t worry. The TSA has no intention of letting decency, sense, or the Constitution get out of hand. Neither does Erik Prince. Does that man just seem scarier every time his name turns up in the news, or what? (H/T PT) And how come, if “justices” are so worried about the possibility of violence…